This whole thing is such a shame on many levels and on both sides.
I'm a magazine freak, in fact, sadly they are my primary soure of reading.
This publication was such a great idea, it really hit a niche in the bicyle industry, a niche we all are part of.
I really miss this magazine, as some of you may know, they highlighted a few members of the RRB family, myself and Double Nickle included, when they did a story on the Rustrocket Deluxe, it even made the cover.
It's just a shame that this endeavour went/is going under and the subscriber base that put their faith (and money) in it are left empty handed and feeling cheated.
I hope this isn't the last publication for the cruiser market, these types of bicycles harken to a bygone era of simplicity and prosperity in this country. A time that, in part, we kinda need again (IMHO)
I hope everyone gets retribution for their investment (myself included) and we will soon have something else to put in our magazine racks.
Dr. T