Dear mr. Peat bog, I personally would like to apologize for causing you so much ire. At no time did we attempt to scam you or defraud you.
Starting anything is full of challenges, and unexpected turns and twists. What launched from an idea into a real project has been full of new learning experiences. The magazine isn't staffed by a group of well paid individuals, but instead was a few people who all had other jobs in order to pay for this to happen... And volunteered our time to see if we could make this happen, And we have worked endless hours to keep the flame lit, drained our personal bank accounts to pay the very real print bills.
Clearly our mistake was promising more than we could deliver, I understand that now. I am however proud of the 9 issues that we have managed to produce over the past 2 years. It is somewhat of a miracle in and of itself, that we accomplished even this. But we have fallen short of your expectations, and for that sincerely apologize for the offense and anger that not shipping magazines as quickly as we had hoped has caused you such duress.
I make no excuses for what we have and haven't managed to accomplish, we have worked our fingers to the bone to produce the best magazine we knew how to, as quickly, and as we could afford to. Should you or any of the other folks here prefer a refund, we will happily credit back to you any unshipped issues still due to you that you have paid for in advance.
To those that still believe in us, and have sent messages of encouragement, we sincerely thank you for your support. The truth if the matter is that i had no idea that magazine (or lack thereof) could cause such consternation, and for that i sincerely apologize. As you may have seen, we have been able to secure a new channel formour magazine, and it isnour hope that this will breathe new life into our quest to make a cool magazine. We continue to work on making inroads into a sometimes unforgiving and challenging marketplace, and appreciate the support you have shown us.
Send us an email at
[email protected] to allow us to process your refund.