Kickstand Magazine Update

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I got the first 9 issues, I just want to see my # 10 arrive since it was paid for. They were interesting since none of the other bike magazines have tried to address the cruiser and custom market. Their business plan leaves a lot to be desired.
RatSphinx said:
naturephotoboy3 said:
the magazine didnt really have much worth looking at anyway. Waste of money for nothing. There is nothing ya cant get from this you wont get ripped off by some looser trying to be a business man. [/ quote]

Unfortunately that hasn't been 100% accurate

Hoping you know what and who I mean.

Yea you are right..there are plenty of loosers on here too. Trouble with life in general are the loosers have the upper hand. They know when they plan to screw you..kinda hard to sense that.
Sad part about this Magazine is that people really dont give a you know what..if you go to their facebook page they list up coming events and act like all is right with the world. Who are these criminals?? And i will say it over and over..the magazine wasnt all that good anyway. Good thing it was free in a couple bike shops in town. Even being free i didnt make the effort to pick it up. There is more info found other places..and i really didnt care much about a Soda Pop why have it in their MAG?? Kinda wierd all the way around this thing.
Sorry to resurrect this issue, but Brad's Kickstand Magazine FB page goes on like nothing is wrong and that there are "big plans for 2013." Many people on the FB page are still expecting issues, and that even includes bike shops.
I suggest that everyone visit his FB page, click the arrow next to the "like" button, click the "report" button and then report is as a scam. Hopefully it will get his page taken down.
BTW, he still refuses to give me a refund.
seems to me that they need to honor their commitment to producing the magazine instead of starting all those new projects, that is if they are really all that busy. :?
GameBent said:
Sorry to resurrect this issue, but Brad's Kickstand Magazine FB page goes on like nothing is wrong and that there are "big plans for 2013." Many people on the FB page are still expecting issues, and that even includes bike shops.
I suggest that everyone visit his FB page, click the arrow next to the "like" button, click the "report" button and then report is as a scam. Hopefully it will get his page taken down.
BTW, he still refuses to give me a refund.

I'm in on the Facebook report thing. I'm not a Facebook junkie..but I think with today's media exposure this is a great way to spread the word. Although people tend to ignore truth
Just saw another posting by JerryKR that #10 IS shipping...he got one!
Imagine my surprise when I came home to this today. Especially considering I requested and received a refund early last summer. The mag is still a pile of crap in my opinion and I would never waste my money on this publication ever again! More advertisements than content and the content barely consists of anything bicycle related that I care to read. View to be more precise as there is not much to actually read. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in a can...c'mon. Well here it is issue #10, yay.
thirstee said:
Imagine my surprise when I came home to this today. Especially considering I requested and received a refund early last summer. The mag is still a pile of crap in my opinion and I would never waste my money on this publication ever again! More advertisements than content and the content barely consists of anything bicycle related that I care to read. View to be more precise as there is not much to actually read. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in a can...c'mon. Well here it is issue #10, yay.

WELL SAID..that magazine is a worthless attempt at nothing. It's supposed to be about bikes..NOT soda pop makers and junk like that. Hopefully people will get the message and stop wasting thier money..oh..and geting ripped off
I sent an email about subscription, this was the reply....

"Hi Joe,
Thanks for the inquiry about subscribing to Kickstand Magazine. At this time we are not accepting new subscription orders. What we didnt' realize in the beginning of this project was that publishing a magazine is a monster of a job. While some have had issue with our irregular schedule, we've continued to pour our resources and love into continuing this project... Thus far we have successfully published 10 issues in a marketplace littered with failures, both in and out of the bike world.

Beginning in May 2013 we will launch a single issue purchase program, which we hope will be an alternative method of receiving this fun and unique publication - Our subscribers have patiently waited (and others not so patiently) more than 11 months between issues. This has been a passion project from the beginning, and I personally have waded through hell and high water to keep it going - while that may not be much, I am proud of my ability to stick with it and slug it out.

While it may not be the world's best moment in the world of print, we are committed to promoting fun on bikes, and the power of social riding - and giving voice to what we continue to see as a growing part of the bike world. I'd be happy to send you a comp issue of issue 10 if you are interested in checking it out. On a separate note, we just signed up Wahoo Fish Taco restaurants in Colorado to carry the magazine, and we continue find creative ways to publish more magazines - working diligently to extend the reach of the magazine in unconventional ways.


Hello everybody, None of you know who I am but I felt obligated to say a few words. Seeing that KSM was under fire for problems out of their controll. My company is Singletrack Marketing, the printing suppliers for Kickstand magazine. I am in charge of the print and distrobution of this publication per Kickstand Magazine contracting me as a supplier. It was brought to my attention recently that individuals have not been receiving their copies of the KSM publication. Please understand I am only wrinting this to address the issue of magazines not showing up and only that issue. I have nothing to do with content or anything else. Ok that being said, I want to apologies to everybody that has been a Long time or a new subscriber to the publication and have not been recieving them. Unfortunatly, from what we can tell the problem lies with USPS. I have taken the liberty to inform USPS of everybody that has not recieved thier issues and I bounced those addresses against our mail list database and each one of you were on the list and this was confirmed via NCOA processing (A way to confirm your address is "real" and "exist") courtesey of USPS. For some reason once this issues (#10 & previous) hit the mail house hub of I-70 and Colorado it all goes downhill from there. My self and Kickstand can only track it that far do to USPS security protocall. and it shows it is hitting the mail drop routes and after that the trail goes cold. Unfortunatly it is out of our controll once it gets in their hands. Please trust me when I say I have been diligently working to figure out why this and other issues have not been ariving in a timly manner and or not at all, seeing that I send all these issues 1st class and USPS has been less than cooperative and offer no answeres (USPS Bulk mail department 303-853-6434 please voice your concerns to them as well). The problem is that the "None deliveries" are not isolated to one area or ZIP code they are very random, there is no rhythm or reason to it...We want to roll out more issues this year for sure, so I guess what I am asking, is if you love this magazine and everything it stands for or doesnt stand for! (Pretty please) if you all would bear with us through this mess and I promise it will get resolved. I would like to offer an email address for individuals to repsond to with their address should a publication not arrive in accordance with KSM's launch schedual. This email should be active by tomorrow and feel free to pass this along [email protected] PLEASE NOTE: Singletrack Marketing has only been running this since issue #6, any issues prior to that is out of my hands. This email is only inform me that you have not recieved an issue and I will check to make sure your address was on the list. Myself and Kickstand Magazine will work to get that issue to you. ALL OTHER inquiries concerninig anything other than "delivery" of the magazine are to be sent directly to Kickstand Magazine.

Singletrack Marketing
Matthew S. Thomas (President)
Got mine today too.
Those who know me know I'm not a complainer, but it was a little thin. More of a pamphlet than a magazine, considering the wait for it. Brad did try to apologize for the time since the last issue, but anyway, it was great to get another issue.

Carry on.
Dr. T

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