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Curt thanks ! How’s your old traction drive bike coming ? That’s the one I want to see running !
It's on stand still yet for now, just to much going on. Cleaning my shop now so sometime soon I can get back at it ...........Curt
I know the feeling Curt. To cold most days to stay in the shop for any extended time, mainly because I just haven’t installed my wall insulation and hooked up my water heater for the floor heat. Some day…
I know the feeling Curt. To cold most days to stay in the shop for any extended time, mainly because I just haven’t installed my wall insulation and hooked up my water heater for the floor heat. Some day…
Some day is not on the calendar LOL. That I know well, I love my heated shop, but got to put more insulation in the ceiling, losing heat out the roof, will be done before next winter. That is what I would love is in floor heat, as after sometime out there my feet get chilled. I am going to burry some blue foam out around in the ground to break the frost, frost goes down at a 45 degree angle, so if you put it out a couple feet it will help a lot. I keep my shop around 65 degrees, just enough to work without a coat. I have a hanging furnace, and hate the dry blowing air................Curt
So I built a stand for the bike which I will use to run it on, park it on and display it on. It was getting to heavy for my bike stand
Well it two steps forward and three steps back ! Had the bike running and took it out for a test ride… Fail !! I discovered that my engine was underpowered and my drive was oversized. So I upgraded from a 3/4-1hp engine to a 2 1/2-2 3/4hp. New pulleys on order so hopefully it will be a rider in the next few weeks
I had a slight delay in my build today as I had a Massive Brain Fart. I didn’t clean off my welding table before commencing with the welding project. There were several cans of aerosol carb cleaner and penetrant toward the back of the table. Just as I started welding, my ground clamp popped off and hit the carb cleaner can . The arc blew a pinhole in the side causing a instant Huge fireball all around me. I quickly knocked the other cans out of the way and grabbed my fire extinguisher and put it out. Nothing hurt but my pride. Just putting this out here to remind all you welders to think safety ! It could have been much much worse.
I was paid to weld for two years once, steel garbage bins for front loading garbage trucks and other repairs as needed. That taught me that while you have that welding helmet on everything around you is catching on fire. The worst is when your clothing starts flaming or you drop a red hot piece of slag down your boot. Everyone in the shop always kept an eye out when welding was going on. I'm glad you had a good plan for putting out your fire.
I also want to avoid excess blow by in the engine so I ran a copper tube from the front of the engine up and over and vented it into the old seat tube which will drop any oil onto the bottom bearings.View attachment 224023
Once the copper was installed I started to get a real steam punk vibe off this bike. I love what you are doing. I'm guessing that your motor is a flat head 4 stroke so I'm sorry to hear that your little side valve motor didn't have the mojo. It is certainly lovely to look at and not height challenged by over head valves.
Once the copper was installed I started to get a real steam punk vibe off this bike. I love what you are doing. I'm guessing that your motor is a flat head 4 stroke so I'm sorry to hear that your little side valve motor didn't have the mojo. It is certainly lovely to look at and not height challenged by over head valves.
actually the first engine was a Briggs 5S which is a flat head. The current engine is a Briggs model 8 which is a flat head as well. Both engines look similar with the 8 bring about a 1 1/2” taller.
Good eye ! Yes these were from you, the right side is a 1”, but the throttle sleeve is from a Honda trail 90 and it’s 1 1/16”. Tight fit, but it works. Love the feel and looks of these, great job!