I lived in San Antonio and New Orleans for awhile in the 60s. You get more use to the heat down there so when it get to 45 F you really feel it. I remember feeling the bite of the wind at 45 F and realizing I was as cold as I ever got up here in the north. I felt like I was loosing it, I felt like I was turning wimpy, but it was that I was not acclimated to the cold but to the heat. Weird
Yeah, I know other people who have made the same transition and went through the same thing. I just always figured they were weak too
Out of curiousity, do the high temperatures down there in the summer seem excessively high to you as a native northerner? (I know their temperatures get hotter than ours, but I guess they probably don't deal with all of the humidity we do, which is the real killer in my opinion).