Here's some 7/16 ones. I think that's the OD of the outer flange and they should be 1/4 ID. Listings-_-0340170&CAWELAID=172000510000260834&CAGPSPN=pla&catargetid=172000510000278002&cadevice=c&gclid=COyAvPP0uMkCFUKXgQod2PsNtg
and here's some listed as 1/4 inch.|pla|pmt|e|&gclid=CLWzxP31uMkCFdgYgQodaP0AaA
Kind of confusing to order unless they list the OD and ID both but I think if you went to a fabric store you'd find them. Listings-_-0340170&CAWELAID=172000510000260834&CAGPSPN=pla&catargetid=172000510000278002&cadevice=c&gclid=COyAvPP0uMkCFUKXgQod2PsNtg
and here's some listed as 1/4 inch.|pla|pmt|e|&gclid=CLWzxP31uMkCFdgYgQodaP0AaA
Kind of confusing to order unless they list the OD and ID both but I think if you went to a fabric store you'd find them.