Mofo / MoFaux 8/1 They're Done!

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Re: Mofo / Update on MoFaux

Eye on the competition bump.

Re: Mofo / Update on MoFaux

I had a lot of things going on this past weekend with all the celebrating...I didn't work on the MoFaux build but I did manage to squeeze in finishing two other projects; the 24" and 26" Hopalong Cassidy bikes. This has been a two year restoration, researching and collecting many of the unique Hoppy items. I'm really happy how they turned out.



I also have a girls Hoppy bike to complete...I'll work on finishing it later this year. Once it's done I'll have a nice stable of rare steeds. :wink:

Hoppy saddles are very rare with a distinctive horsehair grained vinyl and were specifically made for the Hopalong Cassidy bikes. Generally if you can find a Hoppy saddle it will more than likely be a girls seat because girls took better care of their bicycles.

Also unique and distinctive to Hoppy bikes were:
• Distinctive Longhorn handlebars
• Horseshoe Rollfast head badge
• Chrome hub caps – (the only American bike to be so equipped at the factory)
• Western style chrome studded Delta Rocket Ray fender light
• Hoppy medallion and Hoppy’s name in white rope script on each side of the tank
• Built in jeweled white Western leather holsters.
• Two black gripped George Schmidt Hoppy cap pistols.
• Western style chrome studded fenders and chain guard
• Black long ball end grips with B&W streamers
• Longhorn bandoliers on front and rear fenders

Now with this finally behind me, I'll focus on completing the MoFaux :wink:
Re: Mofo / Update on MoFaux

Just when you think you’ve made it to the shallow end of the pool, life pulls you back to the deep end.

Two years ago my middle sister was diagnosed with lymphoma cancer, it was brutal on her and our entire family. But she’s an incredible fighter and was determined to kick Cancer to the curb! I’m happy to say she’s now cancer free!

So yesterday she calls me to tell me our eldest sister is now dying of cancer and the doctors feel that chemo will not benefit her since the cancer is in an aggressive stage. How could this be? I just talked to her 2 weeks ago to ask about her husband, who's bedridden with an advance stage of prostate cancer! Talk about a double whammy, now they’re both home convalescing with hospice care. Sometimes life just sucks!

Anyway I’m not sure if I’ll be able to finish Mofaux after receiving this terrible news…family’s take precedence over self-indulgence. At least, Mofo is done and ready for its beauty photos.
Re: Mofo / Update on MoFaux

That is so very tragic.

Hope you know your RRB Family is sending out prayers, support, and sympathy to you and your family.

Hang in there buddy and don't worry about the bikes.

God Bless You and Yours,

Your RRB Family
Re: Mofo / Update on MoFaux

kingfish254 said:
That is so very tragic.

Hope you know your RRB Family is sending out prayers, support, and sympathy to you and your family.

Hang in there buddy and don't worry about the bikes.

God Bless You and Yours,

Your RRB Family
I'm with you in spirit. Peace
Re: Mofo / Update on MoFaux

You and your family are in my prayers, you're a solid dude and it just sucks that this is going on for you.

God bless your sister and her hubby and you as well.

Re: Mofo / Update on MoFaux

I'm not the praying sort, but I feel for ya brother. My heart goes out to you, I've had friends and family that have dealt with this. It's never easy, I wish the best for you and yours.
Re: Mofo / Update on MoFaux

I really want to give a shout out to all of you guys for your sympathy and prayers. Bless you.
Re: Mofo / Update on MoFaux

Thoughts and Prayers are with you during these tough times. Remember all the good stuff, it helps!

Re: Mofo / Update on MoFaux

Sorry to hear that news dude.Hope you and your family are ok. Family comes first. My thoughts are with you also.
Re: Mofo / Update on MoFaux

Hey...I need to focus on some positive joys and challenges that'll relieve some of the current stress...therefore I'm back and I'm committed to finish this build, so watch out!

Last night I was playing around with the skirts I bought on feeBay a couple of weeks ago, and of course I ran into a roadblock...apparently the skirts were made for a JC Higgins and the Mofaux's frame is a Rollfast with rear stay's that bow I'm going to have to gently massage them to fit :wink:


I got a big job ahead of me if I want them to work!

Re: Mofo / Update on MoFaux

Man, I got in late on this build. Been lookin through the pages and am supremely impressed with your graphic design/application/art/fabrication skills. Really inspirational for someone like me that has an art/graphic background. Of course, I read your latter posts about your family and as you can see, since we all share a common like/love, we also become a sort of "community" that care about one anothers troubles. I'm sort of new around here (1 year) but I know we all send good thoughts your way and wish you peace in a difficult time.
Re: Mofo / Update on MoFaux

Ok. here's some better pixs of the rear of the frame and the Higgins can clearly see the bow in the stays.


Nothing was going to deter me from manipulating the framel, it's amazing what a blow torch and a bench vice can do :)

I've got the frame to fit the skirts
Re: Mofo / Update on MoFaux

Thanks guys, but I'm not out the woods...after I mocked everything up and quickly noticed the horizontal lines on the Higgins skirts did not flow with the lines of the Rollfast frame. So I needed to rotate the skirts backwards, cutting out new holes for the frame stays, so that the lines at least flow with the aesthetics lines of the chain guard and tank.

Re: Mofo / Update on MoFaux

Peatbog said:
:shock: Well, smack me in the head with a noodle...that is one sweet looking ride.
It’s remarks like this that make me gooshy all over..oh my bad, that's just bearing grease :)