Old Glory

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The blue paint's dry so on to the next step... more paint.

As the name "Old Glory" implies, this bike is a nod to the old stars and stripes. The tank easily provided the stripes for me so now for some stars.

I played with this on the computer before deciding on how to lay it all out and the one thing that I didn't want was for it to look like an Evil Knievil bike. (Not that there's anything wrong with that)! :wink:

So I decided to go with gold stars instead of white. My thinking is that 5 gold stars is still patriotic and I've steered clear of looking to Evil!

I'm actually using dark yellow but close enough.

I took my computer design and printed it on adhesive backed printer paper. Then carefully cut out the stars with an X-acto knife and applied it to the tanks. After masking the rest off, started rattling some paint...

Here's the mask

This is what I had on the shelf, so I used them all

This is what it's like watching paint dry, again.
LukeTheJoker said:
Looking good! Only thing I'm worried about, is that they might look too modern for your build. Will you be aging them like you did the other fresh paint?

Thanks Luke.

Yes that is the trick, making it match the real aging on the rest of the bike. I'm always chomping at the bit to get to the next step, but it needs to dry as much as possible. I've got a jazz gig tonight anyway, so I won't be tempted to rush it.

Tomorrow should be fun now that all of the paint work is done.
I didn't have much time today, but I had to at least peel the mask off.

Before I did, however, I wet sanded it so that the sanding was limited to just the yellow. I focused on the top half of the stars because real paint fading typically fades from top to bottom.

Hopefully I will finish this up tomorrow.


Notice that the blue paint lifted off in places by the tape. That was what I had hoped would happen and why I left the white around the edge of where the blue was painted. You may have to go back to the pix of the white stage to see what I'm talking about.

She's back together!

The sun came out today for the first time in about 6 days, just in time to roll outside for some pix. I rode it briefly to check the brakes and they are MUCH better. It's amazing what a good cleaning and new lube will do.

I'm really liking the whole theme now that I get to see it all together! I started out just planning to tear it down for maintenance and now I'm inspired to do more.

Just got the first 'upgrade' in from eBay, and will install and post pix tomorrow. :)

I keep thinking that a chain guard would look good. I'd like to find the one that goes with that tank so that I can continue with the paint scheme.

What do you guys think?




