Old Glory

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So, I got this Shockmaster fork from uneasy rider a couple of weeks ago and have been trying to get it ready to install on Old Glory sense then. With a lot of help from Terry66, I've got it to the point of fitting it up today.


There were a lot of issues to resolve before I got to this point. First of all, it had to undergo a sex change operation. You can see it here if you're interested:http://www.ratrodbikes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=68182. I also had to straighten the base of the steer tube before the surgery.

Today I fabricated the upper truss rods and bracket. Lowe's wanted about $7 for a 3' piece of 3/8" rod. I went instead to a local steel-distributor and bought a 20' stick for $11.50. Of course I only used about 30" so now I have a surplus for down the road. I won't even start on nuts and bolts from Fastenal vs. Lowe's. I digress.

Anyway, I didn't have a bracket and didn't want to wait to try and find one, so I took an old ten speed stem mounted shifter and repurposed it. After removing the shifters, I cut, bent and drilled it to meet my needs. I heated the metal so that it wouldn't break in order to bend the tabs from down to up. It's not like the original, but would fool an untrained eye.


To make a pattern for the rods, I stumbled on to a neat trick. I was looking around the shop for something to use and saw a section of rubber hose that I use for bleeding brakes that was close to 3/8" O.D.. It was about at that moment that Gumby flashed into my mind! :idea: So I cut a piece of hanger wire and slid it in the tube and could then bend it into the shape that I wanted to simulate the eventual steel rod. I ended up putting a second wire in it to make it stiffer (the Bionic Gumby!). I would insert a picture here, but it wouldn't be near as interesting as your imagination could make it.

I still have more to do, like finishing to 'new old' paint and replacing the pivot bolts with pins and aging the new nuts and washers and on and on bla bla bla.

I'll update with a better picture as soon as it's rolling again.
Well I couldn't roll it outside for a picture because of rain, but here's a couple of shots with the front end completely assembled.



I wanted to see it with the truss rods even though I'm only part of the way into painting the fork. I was going to work in some red, but now I'm not so sure. I'm thinking that the fork looks pretty good without any red on them. Maybe I should wait until I can take it outside in the sun before I decide.

What do ya'll think? :?:
Wow, that paint looks amazing. Great job, especially on the tank.

I do like the mostly-blue fork. It balances the whole scheme nicely.
The Renaissance Man said:
Well I couldn't roll it outside for a picture because of rain, but here's a couple of shots with the front end completely assembled.



I wanted to see it with the truss rods even though I'm only part of the way into painting the fork. I was going to work in some red, but now I'm not so sure. I'm thinking that the forks look pretty good without any red on them. Maybe I should wait until I can take it outside in the sun before I decide.

What do ya'll think? :?:

I think that fork looks awesome as is! It just looks right, especially with the blue on the tank. I also like how it stands out from the red on the fender...great looking build!
I've gotten a little behind on responses...

LukeTheJoker said:
Very nice job! This bike just gets better and better!

mastronaut said:
That is awesome! A great addition to an already outstanding bike! :D

Thanks Luke and mastronaut, there's still a few more small things left to do.

Peatbog said:
This is one of the coolest bikes I have seen in a long time.

Wow Peatbog, I'm not sure how to respond to that! There are so many great bikes on this site that I can't imagine how this one could rank anywhere close. I'm humbled.

hortonbikes said:
Wow, that paint looks amazing. Great job, especially on the tank.

I do like the mostly-blue fork. It balances the whole scheme nicely.
IronDio said:
I think that fork looks awesome as is! It just looks right, especially with the blue on the tank. I also like how it stands out from the red on the fender...great looking build!
Road Master said:
Hi! I think you've got plenty of red on the frame and fenders - leave the fork blue! Looking great! Robert

Thanks hortonbikes, the tank was fun to tackle.
IronDio and Road Master, I appreciate yours and hortonbikes input on the fork. I believe that I will leave it as is.
There's not been much to show that is noticeably different lately but I thought that I would share the latest.

I had not wanted to remove the tires from the rims unless absolutely necessary because of their age. But last weekend, the rear had gone flat, so I was forced to. Sense the tire was now off the rim, I used the opportunity to repair a couple of broken spokes and true the wheel. This resulted in about eight broken spokes!


So I got 10 new ones at the LBS (2 more looked suspect) and soaked them in lemon juice to take the brightness away (View Topic Here: http://www.ratrodbikes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=68972) and fixed everything a couple of days later. In hind sight, I probably should have replaced them all while I was at it, but I'm trying to keep as much original patina as possible. The new ones blended in pretty well and are hardly noticeable unless you're looking for it.

Can you tell?
Great job, that thing is a master piece. I'm torn between the black or white seat though, not sure which I like best, looks cool either way.
big kountry said:
Sweet that looks like the back side of Sandmountain on 75 going to Collinsville bike is WAY COOL 8)
You're very close! I'm probably 20 to 30 miles from that area. I don't venture out in that direction very often, maybe I should.
Carbon said:
Great job, that thing is a master piece. I'm torn between the black or white seat though, not sure which I like best, looks cool either way.
mastronaut said:
I'm diggin the way it's rockin' right now! I like the white seat... 8)
Thanks to both of you! The white seat is on loan from my wife's bike, so unless I find another one, the black one will be back! Maybe a blue or red one?
It's been a while since I've posted an update on Old Glory. I just mounted a new piece of hardware today. I'm not showing it yet, but I will post pictures this weekend after the 'Get-a-Grip' show on Saturday. :mrgreen:

I also had to take the white saddle back off to get the Monark ready for the show too. For now I bolted up a black Brooks that I had in my parts stash. It actually looks pretty good to me with the black grips and pedals. I'll try to post a picture of that tomorrow if I get a chance.

I'm really looking forward to the show Saturday and hope to meet some RRB members there! :!:
Good guess big kountry. :)
I got this guard (originally black and white) from milbums a little over a month ago for free! (Thanks again!)
This past week I hurried up and painted it for the Get-A-Grip show. The colors are way off from what I had hoped for, but because I didn't give myself enough time to search for a better match, I had to settle for the first paint that I could find. I had already played around with the 'Old Glory' logo, so all that I had left to do was make a silk screen, print it on and age it a little. I'm still on the hunt for a Western Flyer or Hiawatha guard, but this one will stay on until then.

I also mounted the siren back on. Had a lot of fun with that yesterday at the show! :mrgreen:


