Outskirtscustoms finds

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So on tonight's episode of Outskirts Custom Cycle we are parting out this "Next Jewel" BMX bike and using those parts to make my 1994 Dyno VFR frame a rider. Still have some cleaning to do but this Next bike couldn't have been a better donor.

The Next bike donated:

48h chrome rims F&R
Like new tires and tubes
Headset with bearing cups
Bottom bracket with bearing cups
Crank, sprocket, and pedals
Grips, brake handles, and cables
Complete Gyro system
I even used the Next bikes own seat post as a tool to drive out the bearing cups and drive them back in the Dyno frame.

Anyway here's how the night went. Spotted this Next off of marketplace for $35 and she was nice enough to deliver it to me at work so I bought it.
After work I went to my storage unit workshop and put it up on the stand and blew it apart.

And put the parts on this 1994 Dyno VFR.


So another trade day swapping parts with a friend. Got some goodies

Traded 3 Schwinn head badges for this wheelset to go on my Dyno build. Going to get some darker orange to match the wheels and touch up the frame.



Traded a 26" wheelset with tires for this Bratz lowrider project. This bike is going to get repainted and put my twisted lowrider fork on it. Tall sissy bar, a nanner seat, and apes.
Got this blue straight leg fork and another one that's white for the chain guard off the girl's Tornado. So some Klunker builds are in the future. Also got the purple and white seat that is awesome enough I'm going to build a bike to match it. Gave the Hornet chain guard for it.
then got these 2 wheelsets as a freebie since I threw him a few extra seats I had laying around. Cleaning out my hoard of parts.

More to come Friday.
It's very French...

Found this 1980's Peugeot Montreal Express mountain bike today. They were asking $100 and it was only 8 miles out of town. I went to look at it and other than a slight 1/8th inch wobble in the back wheel, dry rotted tires, and everything needing a little oil and grease it looks and rides great. I counter offered $80 and it was a deal. Peugeot... It's very French.
So I got to tinkering around and I think I now have a direction to go on this old Schwinn ratty girl's bike I've got.... Hear me out. Going to make a few mounts and use this JC Higgins tank I got a while back and trim the tank so it fits over the upper bar of the girl's bike. This could work...
Tires - $$$

That a GT stamped Viscount seat?
It is a GT stamped Viscount seat. Good eye. I been out of the BMX market for a while what would something like this go for cleaned and serviced? Or would it be better to sell exactly as found? I have a new black and chrome chain for it that would really make this bike pop.

Also I just got struck by the lightning rod of the bike god twice today... I just found this 10 minutes ago for $46.50 at the flea market.

You ready for this?

You ain't ready...

You wanna see it?

Can you handle it?

yeah now you're ears are tingling aren't they?


You're salivating now... Little drool on the chin.


Pictures don't do this paint justice. It is beautiful and glistens in the right light.
Man, you would have been King of the Block if you had that one back in the day
GT tires on GT Mohawk hub rims, with GT pegs on all 4 corners. It does have a few small areas (smaller than a dime) where the chrome is peeling so not perfect but definitely survivor quality and all there. Now I wish I'd have kept my GT mags.




Ok so since my last inventory post I have gotten rid of a bunch and got the unit cleaned out and I'm down to just my favorites. Made a sweet deal with a friend and got rid of 14 bikes in one shot. The catch was they were free on the condition he take them all! So the rat tandem, the girl's Tornado, the girl's Hollywood, the girl's wasp, few other girl's frames, the girl's roadmaster, the Racer, the Flightliner, the ladies western Flyer, and a few totes of random stuff went bye bye and I can see my floor again. My good karma kicked in and the next day I found the Dyno and Mongoose ATB.

So now my collection is more quality and less quantity.

1920's Trailblazer
1940's JC Higgins
1950 Schwinn
1980's Huffy Racing 50
Bratz lowrider project
1950 Western Flyer Super
1960's Western Flyer motor bike
Schwinn Tornado straight bar frame
1917 Columbia Arch-bar frame
Black Elgin? Bike with dropstand
(not 100% sure on ID)
Black Schwinn commuter
(parts bike for Columbia)
Peugeot Montreal Express
Mongoose ATB
1998 Dyno Detour
1944 CWC trike




And the reason for the clean out... Over the last few weeks I traded my silver Saab for a 1988 Chevy K1500 (that would not fit in my unit) so I traded it for a 2000 GMC Jimmy. This will serve as my bike hauler and winter daily so I can keep my black Saab nice.
The suzi will all but fill your workshop. nice looking bike though! not many peeps realise this but the humble motor bike is gonna make a really strong comeback! they use way less fuel and can get places cars cant, sure ya get wet in the rain but just stay at the bar!
Mail call! Huge shout out to Endless Road Cycle shop out of El Cerrito, California fast shipping, great price, great product. Much love.

Anyway just got my 26 x 2.25 Mitas City Hopper tires in cream color... Kinda wish they had them in a 3 wide but I like the 2.25 too. I also added a new headlight I've had laying around and ditched the fender.
