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JoKeR63 said:
Um, why were comments locked out on the finished bikes? I know you need to lock out entries at a certain time, but why can't I comment on them? Plus it looks like some housecleaning is in order, I see somebody powder-coated their bike, a clear no-no. :roll:

I have to lock that forum so people are not able to post more bikes. Once I set up the voting poll I will unlock the forum so people can comment.

Which bike was powdercoated....and was it done by the builder or someone else?
Rat Rod said:
JoKeR63 said:
Um, why were comments locked out on the finished bikes? I know you need to lock out entries at a certain time, but why can't I comment on them? Plus it looks like some housecleaning is in order, I see somebody powder-coated their bike, a clear no-no. :roll:

I have to lock that forum so people are not able to post more bikes. Once I set up the voting poll I will unlock the forum so people can comment.

Which bike was powdercoated....and was it done by the builder or someone else?

I had a feeling it might have been some broad brush technical issue.

"I started off by having it powder coated, and then went from there". DYNOmite racer.

I'm not seeing a build report either, member has a total of 4 posts.
I am working on creating a gallery in our GALLERY section of the website that will contain the photos of all of the finished bikes.

If someone could create a list for me of all of the finished bike names in alpha order and email that to me that would be a HUGE help.

I can then use this to create the voting poll.

Rat Rod said:
I am working on creating a gallery in our GALLERY section of the website that will contain the photos of all of the finished bikes.

If someone could create a list for me of all of the finished bike names in alpha order and email that to me that would be a HUGE help.

I can then use this to create the voting poll.


I took some of the work out of it for you.

Thanks man...I appreciate your hard work on that.

I started creating an official Build Off 5 Finalists gallery last night while I waited for the build off to end.

There were some lessons learned last year about how to set the gallery up correctly so that it makes it easier to vote.

I know everyone is chomping at the bit to get this done, but give me until this evening to launch the whole voting process.

Thanks! :D
dang it i was sooo close i guessed 67 bikes done. oh well just means i gotta enter next year i guess lol. congrads to all those who finished and to those who did not quite get there congrads to you too this is a hard build off and it is stressful. but it is fun all the same and is why we keep on doin' what we all love to do so much. i say it a lot but this is the coolest web site EVER EVER EVER and i am humbled to be able to hang with you guys.
bighit said:
you give new meaning to "Killin' threads since 2000" but rules is the rules.

now who get the handlebars?

Yea, I know I'm bein' kind of a buzzkill. Even I've takin' the rulebook out to the woodshed. I just don't want to see votes siphoned away on a bike that the builder clearly didn't read the rules at all. :(

It's also not fair to those who are trying to guess the final tally.
well, I got the bike done at the last minute and ran in and made my finished post while the photos downloaded from the camera. by the time I got the photos downloaded and shrank them down to 1024 and then got them uploaded to photobucket, I was a couple minutes too late and the forum was locked. I really worked too hard for this build not to qualify. I would ask you to consider letting me go out and take a couple photos in the daylight and send them in. I should have had the bike done a couple days earlier but several fires broke out all at once and I just couldn't get to the bike.
well, I just rode it up and down the street, man is it a plush ride! it's a little weird seeing the loop on the front suspension bobbing up and down between your legs. there may ba a little fine tuning left to do but it rides really nice :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
I'm uploading a few photos as we speak, I'll post them in the build thread. I'll try to find someone to ride it while I get some video (That ought to be hard :lol: any volunteers???)
Scott, I will add your photos to your post in the final bike section.

I saw that you were trying to post last night when I locked things down.

I actually unlocked it and waited for a while to see if you would post the photos, but never saw anything.
Thanks Steve, I only tried once and then ran over to the build thread. :lol:
I just posted a few taken this morning, they're in the build thread. I think I've out done myself with this one! my friend Randy gets most of the credit, without him this bike would not have been possible. I was hoping that the build might get him interested but it was such a huge undertaking I'm afraid he may not ever want to see an old bike again!

nah, after a few days and a ride or two all will be well. :lol:
Call me silly but what is the voting method 1 choice or 1 for each place? There are too many good ones to only have one choice!

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