I love the aero style of this bike. The whole mooneyes theme and you could not have found a better chainguard for it. But what I like even more is that you built a bike to fit you and you can really ride it. There are some super sweet looking board track bikes on here with flipped down bars and the seats all the way down. They look cool but can you really ride them for more than a few blocks? I am in no way trying to offend anyone on here by saying that. Building these bikes for the contest is fun I must admit, but after August 1 is when we really get to enjoy riding them around our cities wherever we are. This bike is going to turn some heads wherever you take it
I can agree that SOME of the boardtrack-style builds can be uncomfortable, but I can attest that not ALL are. I took ElgIndian on a 12-mile shakedown run on the Virginia Capital Trail, with the only event being a blown-up pedal! Not even ONE leg cramp!
Photo evidence (or it didn't happen, right?)...
Downtown Richmond on the horizon.
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