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cman said:
No special meaning on mine, just something easy to remember and short to type. Sometimes I wish I could change my screenname, because of the pronounciation


LOL!!! Didn't even make the connection. I think it'd be worse if your name was cmen...
As posted in my intro, here's my inspiration...


I prefer DuelingWeiners actually but choose Hotdoggin' upon signing up because that's what I was going to dub my first build. Well, that was February and I just got the bike in working order yesterday, and it's no theme bike, but hey, Hotdoggin' it is...

You can call me HD or Rich
Word play on doom on you. Later was told a Navy Seal named Richard Marcinko says doomonhue alot. Picked up one of his books. It explaines it means effff you in Vietnam. :shock: Of course I have not explained that part to my 10 year old. biggest thing in life is being a dad, and I like rat vw's and old school hot rods. working on bikes is all I can afford till I get a 65 bug.
Great Thread, wish I had sumthin' cool to say 'bout mine.
The guys at the bike shop always greet me with

"KENNY P What it be?!"

So that kinda stuck, aahhhh yaaawwwnnnnn :cry:
My sceen name came to me when I joined the spokesmen bicycle club, I am the second member to join, there fore I'm Dos cruiser. I also have a rat name (oldhouserat) because I work around old houses and sell Architectural elements.

I'm a 7th grade teacher and the head wrestling coach at the local high school. My wrestlers usually call me coach J short for Jamison.
October is my favorite month...

as far as i'm concerned halloween is the only holiday :p

i also make halloween masks, props etc.

here, in Maine, i like the weather this time of year, and all the leaves turn a million colors... though it does mean that winter is on it's way :cry:

In the mid 90's I owned an old GMC that had no keys for the doors. I used this to do lawn maint and tree trimming. During this time I was asked to play on a new softball team by a friend that I went to school with. He was the only member on the team that new me. The first night of practice I pulled into the parking, grabbed my chainsaw so no one would steal it and walk onto the field. The whole team just stopped in their tracks! Even though I was introduced by my real name everyone pretty much called me "Chainsaw" and my chainsaw found a place on the bench during most of the games. It really intimidated alot of teams to see that Stihl sitting there looking so sexy. On occassion a player from one of the other teams would ask why they called me "Chainsaw" and I'd just smile and point at our bench. But alot of them also learned that I was very accurate with my throws and I could cut them down from just about anywhere. So the "Chainsaw" monicker had a couple of meanings!

The name has stuck over the years and I'm known by many as only "Chainsaw". Some of you Detroit area guys might know me as "Chainsaw" from WingCup II and Wing CupIII that was sponsored by 97.1 or from the Detroit Dodgeball League and my team "Got Balls?".

Back to my chainsaw .... Her name was Dirty Sally and she was a major part of my life, helping to make money and also coming down the aisle with me at our wedding (Screaming and Smoking all the way!) She sacraficed herself last year to enable us to pay bills during some hard times. Both Gigs and I miss her very much. :(

The "13" that shows up on some of my screen names is because there is 13 years between Gigs and I, there was 13 years between my parents and Friday the 13th is usually the only 24 hours of Good day I have every year! Looking forward to this Friday! :mrgreen:
i am the president of a car, bike and motorcycle club called the pedal zombies and so when i built my last bike i called it the zombie king and it has stuck with me every since
"Ffej"- Jeff backwards, the backwards name thing is an old family thing, starting with my grandpa, and the "tech" part, cause i am always building, fixing, inventing, McGuyvering, etc. etc...I am Ffejtech on many different forums and Ebay, the only place I am not is The RCtech RC car racing site, there I an Ffejdat....
I just wanted a name I could always use for everything especially online gaming. So everything I do on the web is yoyofro. I have had like two instances where i couldnt use it. i like yoyos and when my burr grows out i have a fro,plus it rhymes : )
i worked graveyard shift for about 5 years and drank about 2 pots a shift, the people i worked with used to call me the caffeind but many login names it was taken so caffeine. my bday is 7/7 so caffeine7
Mines from Bruce Springsteens song Jungleland.

...And the Magic Rat drove his sleek machine
Over the Jersey state line
Barefoot girl sitting on the hood of a Dodge
Drinking warm beer in the soft summer rain...
Guys at work started calling me Abe Lincoln as a joke when I grew out my beard a few years ago. It then evolved into "Honest Abe," and it stuck! My real name is Nick, but my nickname is Abe for short. Its one of those things where people say " Now how does Abe come form the name Nick?"

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