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Tiki because i'm into the tiki culture, Harl short for my given name Harley. Pretty simple huh? lol 8)

Well, I was trying to think of an xbox live name, and then i thought about planes and then my grandfathers boat, then animals

Back when my grandpa had a big ol' christ craft, he built a bridge on it (the upper deck i think) and called it the flying bridge.

Then i wanted to pick some animal, so i thought dingo and it stuck.

Now i use the name for prettymuch everything because people just call me Dingo...and that sticks with me i suppose
ps, im not austrailian
My real name is Larry. "KOTA" was the name of my German Shorthaired Pointer. Best dog I ever had, still miss him! The shark avitar is because, my son and I like to do a lot of shark fishing off the coast of New England. I also like to go goose hunting, but I couldn't find a MEAN looking picture of a Canadian Goose! Glad to be here! :D
ill be quik.. real name is greg... when i was a fat little kid ( unlike the fat old kid i am now ) during holidays my brothers and cousins came up with greggascrounge because i guess i use to search out all the candy from the candy dishes at grandmas house and be eating all the time and being from Massachusetts we tend to talk funny. so ended being shortened to greggah.
I have explained this too many times,but lets put it on record.I was starting my email account also & needed a name.I had been eating green beans for dinner that night & one fell one the floor.I forgot to mention that I eat like an animal.I did not see it till I was done so I picked it up & put it on my plate.I did not take my plate to the kitchen right away & it shrivelled up like an old man.My girl really thought it up.That is how I am known everywhere.I was thinking about putting it on a shirt.
It's just bits of my first and last name joined in the middle with an "X":
Victor Sandkvist + X = VicXsaN

Just recently I heard that people on a forum here in Sweden thought that I was a girl, which was because "Vicksan" apparantly is a nickname some girls named Victoria use... I never heard of it :p
Well, after my parents and the pack of wolves abandoned me... the robots took me in.

... my screen name doesn't have any real relevance to me. I just thought it sounded cool. I've used it for a couple other screen names and emails.

mopar mayhem

well i'm a mopar guy so theres that part
nothin better than mopars causin mayhem
and 93
i was borin in 1993
just somethin i came up with one day and i use it for everything
im a white kid who acts like a gorilla...
haha plus some folks say i look like jesse james and i like how it sounded
mine goes back about 15 years to when my friends and i used to do illegal things with rattle can(before wife,kid,house and any brains :roll:).......the guy whose name im using was into older custom maybe ill bump into him and see what hes been up to
the idea for mine dates back to AOL, like a couple others I've seen here...

i saw this old tv show (I think it was Mama's Family) where they were trying to teach an old lady (I think it was Vicki Lawrence) how to drive in this old Duster... they're telling her to put the car in gear and she says, "What's a prindle?" I always thought that was hilarious, and when it came time to find a creative bunch of letters/numbers for an AOL name, that's what I came up with. Actually I think I tried PRNDL first, but it was already used. I've also used ParkRND21 here and there...

it also helps that I have a '65 Impala with a 283 and a Powerglide. my avatar pic is a pic of the dash of that car.


I always liked the Micheal Bolton reference in "Office Space". No Talent A** Clown. That coupled with people's reactions to things I make (art, bicycles etc.) lead me to referring to myself this way... simple, I guess. I make things, I smile and sometimes others don't.
uh, my screen name was my nickname when i was little cuz i had an uncle named gary, so i was gary lee, which i thought was one name til i started kindergarten. so i guess it's my 'inner child's' name-LOL.
I scribble a lot, on everything, I save them all, I have boxes of them. Nervous habbit I guess. I have a hard time sitting still. Gave my scribbles a name: "Plinks". I am self-proclaimed "king" of my own plinks, hence kingplinker. "It is what it is." (my new favorite quote).

Here are some:

This is one I hung in my home, it's about 11 or 12 11x17 sheets of paper (about 5 1/2 feet square) used as scratch pad beside my computer - an accumulation of scribbles, notes, etc. that happened over a several years - just suck 'em all together.


Detail of white box outlined in larger image:

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