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My username is one I created just for this forum. After an incident a few months back I'm paranoid about using a single username for everything. You wouldnt believe how much damage someone computer-savvy can do just with google and someone's username. :|

I chose Downtune because of my penchant for Doom metal, and the guitar tones therein.
My screen name is a combination of names. My own first name (no, not it's not Ville) and a shortened version of Storyville which is from my film production and documentary company Storyville pictures, LLC. Storyville is because I tell stories, ie; documentaries, and it's the old red light district in New Orleans which is also full of stories. So there you go.
At the time I joined this site I was building an unusual bicycle from scratch- where frame tubes normally were, welded chains existed. I gave up my chain bike (It had a cantilever frame made entirely from chain, except the bottom bracket and headtube) but I sort of liked the name I had created for the site (Uncahined), and it remained. :D
combination of beatnik and cadillac.
i'm a product of the beat generation and i've owned a few vintage caddies. not presently though :cry:
I aquired my nickname fixing & Manufacturing the Canard Wings on the Foothill Flyer Top Fuel Dragster.

Our driver would clober a styrofoam cone at about 200 mph & just tear the living daylights out of the poor wing.

One day I asked why they didn't fix it & I guss they just didn't relize they could . I stepped up & demonstrated some Crow Magnum techinic & rapidly dissasmbled the wing, bangged everything back out & reassmbled it best we could. ... It never looked as good but we went 2 more rounds that day so it was a sucess .... & as they say the rest was History ... read Bio 4 more info. lol.


Stephen / Wingman
BrigmasterA: This was a name i had in a rap band(all white kids from a small farm town in northwest washington... :roll: ) I had formed when I was just outta high school. It was changed to Maestro B a little later on because both of the rappers started refering to me as the maestro cuz of my funky whiteboy beats. My name is Brigham, last name Alcorn. I didn't rap, I made music. Played keyboards, guitar, programmed drum machines, etc. In our rap group, if there was anything musical, i.e. not rapping or dj scratching/sampling(I did music and singing...) I did it. And I never intended to be on this site as much as I am(if I knew how cool it was here, I'd have put more thought into it. Believe me.) So that's where BrigmasterA came from.
Somehow I missed this,anyways I come up with Gold Street Customs due to the fact I pray over the bikes I build and it has to be road worthy for the pearly gates leading to streets paved in gold. And being a Youth Pastor had something to do with it blessed !!
Mine is what people have always called me. Last names Cash and I am distantly kin to Johnny but you have to go back a few generations to find a common forebearer. Thanks!!!
A friend stared calling me gumo after seeing the independent film "Gummo", and the two x's are from being straight edge.
well here goes.... the elvis part, i actually got that name from the guys i work with at belfonte dairy company. the day i started they said " man you look like elvis kid! " and not to long ago, i found this picture of elvis, and for the first time i actually agreed with them. "i think" from the bottom of the nose up, i look like elvis. it might be hard to see in these pics but i think so.

Funny apart about the whole elvis reference, my grandfather was best friends with Elvis when they were both in the service many many years ago. grandpa always said he was a real cool dude to play poker with.

although my whole family calls me "D" or "Big D" ill answer to pretty much about anything

And the 51, well it was my uncles motocross number when he used to race. it used to be my BMX number and anytime i ever had to use a number, it was always 51. heres a picture of him busting HUGE air at little sahara desert in waynoka oklahoma! 45ft in the air, and around 170ft long!!! if you look close enough you can see the 51 on the number plate. he also owns his own motorcycle repair business called Area51Offroad.

Pretty basic story here, back when I 1st got online, I was driving a 1974 Nova, and I lived in apartment 304. Add my 1st name, and I became rick74304. For simplicity's sake, my email and username's stay the same wherever I go on the web.
RZ94...........very simple......the R is for Russ, the Z is my last intial.....9+4 = lucky number. There ya have it.
My old '66 VW bus used to ALWAYS have some kind of faint smoke coming out the back...... so some of m' friends started calling it that. It's also where I got the name of my "band"/ music project, but i added * to it> *CROPdUST3R!
wow. elvis-51. thats really cool. your gramps knew him. im a big fan of elvis(NOT COSTELLO). ive seen some pics of you and i think you do too, maybe minus the facial hair :D :lol:

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