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I never noticed this thread, good idea skyrider to revive it.

many years ago there was a Kia comercial where this guy would wander around in a crowd pionting to the kia in the lot telling everyone how cool it was. Eventually someone says: "Hey isn't that your car?" to which the guy says: "yeah .... that is my car!"

Well when that ad was out was about the time Ian started working with me and he kept joking about how much I loved my truck. He decided that I was that guy in the ad. I thought it was so funny (and really close to the truth) so I made it my username in all forums I belong to.
In '97 when I was trying to come up with a good email account address for Hotmail I tried to think of something that would express my love of riding fast motorcycles and fondness of the Yamaha XS650's. SpeedToExcess was a bit long, so I shortened, plus I had grown out of my old BBS handle that I had used since '90,
Monterey Jack.
This is a cool old thread! My real name is Ellis, but people call me El. My screen name comes from a punk rock band that I played guitar in a few years ago. We were called the *Darned* Dirty Dead, and we were absolutely awful. Even worse than you'd think hearing that name. Any way, one of the lyrics that our singer wrote had something to do with "Night wolves howling at your door" or something along those lines. When I heard that, I asked what a night wolf was, exactly, and he said, "Hey, it fit." I told him that Nightwolf sounded like some kind of Malt Liquor that Billy Dee Williams would sell. He said, "Fine, from now on, your name is "Johnny Nightwolf." And that became sort of a running joke for the rest of the life of the band. So yeah. That's where that came from.
I guess I should post on this one since someone just asked me if Crassly was my real name. My real name is Gordon, but I picked up the Crassly nickname when I was in Africa in the Peace Corps. That was over 35 years ago, but I'm still using the name.
Well My brother RatRodDad bought a bike called a chief. He brought it over and I rode it and really liked the pedal forward design.He paid $200 for it. I figured I could just build one. Hey if I can build a car out of a garbage can...well several streetrods, I could build a bike. I cut up several and my brother posted them on RRB. I kept stretching every junk bike I could find. Later when I joined . I already had a name picked out for me ....Steves uncle and a bike stretcher ...So Uncle Stretch it became....I might have picked Zorro or something :wink:
well kinda easy. Hotrod Jen .. love hot rods and the title was givin to me by fellow gearheads there were to many jens around and i got dubed hotrod jen it stuck so thats my pen name . i dont even have a hot rod hahaha think i should invest in one .
Maybe everyone already knows this, but the creator of the Mr. Bill claymation character is also the owner/creator of the bikerodnkustom website.
pure rocket science here! :D first name is john. i`m 6`2",275 lbs.i live in texas. everybody has called me "big john",for about 30 yrs. :D how`s that for boring!
In most every job I've worked at someone eventually figures out that if you spell 'Mark' backwards it is 'Kram', and then it becomes my nickname with that group of people. So I figured that I'd just start out with Kram as my username. Not the most creative, but it works.
As long as I've been here and as many old threads I have looked at. I never came across this one. So yeah atta boy for digging it up.

Well all my life I embraced my white trash side. Never really cared how people viewed me. I'm that guy that you see wearing the clothes from yesterday as long as they don't stink and ain't covered in mud. Don't care one bit what people think in regards how my clothes look or how nice my things are just who I am. Helps you to know who are your true friends are. If you can get past how I look and the fact I have no shame when it comes to diggin the crap out of my nose and scratch my junk when it itches you are right on in my book. Besides those high maintenance cats are just sheeple for the retail world.

I clawed my way out of the lower class side of life. Got me some coin for my pocket. Found me a ol'lady that didn't care how I looked just how I was. moved on up to the eastside a finally got a piece of the pie but never let it cloud my eyes to who I really am. Not just plain white trash and fancy isn't my name. See myself as high end white trash. My house don't have wheels. I mow my lawn. My dog isn't log chained to an engine block, no broken down cars on cinder blocks in my yard and I have teeth. I'm like a rat rod. Not much to look at but what's under the hood will surprise you. My clothes may be busted and stained but I still have class.

This is where I came up with
Upper Class White Trash.
mines kinda simple. the bike in my avatars named "stretch" because its the first bike i lengthened, and that was the bike i was building at the time i joined, so why not. :mrgreen: not meant to be copy or relative of Uncle Stretch. :D
Crassly said:
Maybe everyone already knows this, but the creator of the Mr. Bill claymation character is also the owner/creator of the bikerodnkustom website.

Is that really true? :eek:
i used breezy rider as a username somewhere else. i liked the movie (easy rider), thought it sounded cool til i found out a breeze is a woman's bike, (although it's not bad to have a woman ride you :mrgreen: ). so i'd been listening to my charlie daniel's disc recently before i joined here and liked the name. always liked the song, one of the 5 or so most popular on the jukebox in my jr. high school lunchroom - pershing jr. high in houston. yeah, i'm getting pretty old.
Yes, that is true about Mr. Bill and bikerodnkustom creater Jim Wilson. I sold him a couple bike frames before he created the website (you can find the story in the archives on the website) and he told me then that he was the creator of Mr. Bill. He sent me some clips of Mr. Bill that he created for something that was going on in Louisiana. He also builds pedal cars from scratch for big bucks, and I have provided him with some parts for those builds as well.

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