Pizza pie pan cut and used as small fairing to showcase cool cut glass reflector Silver concho with designs cut in half and used to make reflector backing plate.
This one took on the "bolt it on mantra" of 70s bicycles but with newish stuff, steers like a mountain bike, wheelies like my Schwinn Crate I had as a kid.
Use colored/ patterned duct tape for accents/ decals on your bike. Do a search, you’ll be amazed at all patterns and colors. Since it’s textured, it you want smooth, cover with clear gorilla tape. All red plaid touches, pad covers, sides of seat bags are done with duct tape
This bike all checkerboard touches are duct tape, seat bag stripe and green buckle accent are duct tape ( except bag). On vinyl if you get area that won’t stick, glue it ( I used a little monkey glue on this bag, used sharpie to black out glue if showing) Kinda tricky to cut, so I keep to straight edges.that won’t stick glue it. I used alittle monkey glue.
When I built this bike I got ready to put the rack on and discovered I didn't have any of those clamps that go around the frame. I came up with something else. I used a small "L" shaped bracket and attached it to the bolt that holds the fender, placing it on upside down. I bolted the bracket in place and attached the rack to the other end of the bracket. Made for a very clean mount without the klunky clamps. The rack doesn't come in contact with the frame so no scratches. These are the best pics I have. Hope you can see what I did.