Sr., Jr., Jesse James, Gas Monkey biker build off

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Who's bike do you like?

  • Paul Jr.

    Votes: 12 17.6%
  • Paul Sr.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gas Monkey

    Votes: 47 69.1%
  • Jesse James

    Votes: 9 13.2%

  • Total voters
gas monkey is the best chop.and i got a thing for genny shovels 8)
SR & jesse are design/engineering projects(well done, but not choppers)
JR just sucks! a car should look like a car and a motorcycle should look like a motorcycle. and art deco was the word they were looking for.
Don't get me wrong I like gas monkey's bike too but I think that in a big competition like this you need to step out of the box and I think gas monkeys did build a nice honest bike but I've seen hundreds of bikes just like that at Sturgis....only not pink....To be 100% honest I think if a few people here like uncle stretch, terry66, Dr. T, Kota, and many others built a motorcycle it would smoke these fools.

Throw a motor kit on this and I bet it'd take first or second place.
Gas Monkey did nothing that made me say wow I wish I'd of thought of that..
Although it is the bike out of all I'd want to ride...
I apply the Wow factor to all things creative...
none of them made me say WOW!!!!!!
The whole idea and key to this is a Build Off Competion. while I like the GMG bike, they just kinda give there bike a refreshening of an old Harley. Jr. built an innovative yet classic looking bike. and I'm not a Jr. fan. I like the Gas Monkey hackers show ! Sr. and Jesse James are just all done....! :)
Outskirt....thanks man! I'm pretty sure I am going with a motorized fat tire bike for RRBBO8! I don't want to go in the direction of the old Indian motorcycles, but more something like the Higgins.

As far as the competition, I think Jr, Sr and Jesse all have gone past what I see as cool motorcycle. I am totally blown away and impressed with their work, design and technology, but it just doesn't do it for me.
Couldn't agree more on the Sturgis bike. I think guys just try to push it so far, they lose focus on what they're building.

You can have a machine shop, a vintage parts house and an unlimited budget, but that doesn't mean you'll win RRBBO8.
Jr. did what he does.....took some real design talent and some great fabrication and beat Sr. at his own school meets old school meets techno.
Jesse's bike surprised me the most. I didn't watch the show and commented on another blog when I saw the 4 bikes. Without knowing whose was whose, I thought Sr.'s was Jr.'s, Jesse's was GM, GM was Jesse's, and Jr.'s was Sr.'s.????? Just goes to show you "Everybody you meet today will know something you don't."
The OCC bike was exactly OCC bike. and Jason is a bit of a baby, but I've seen him crank out some nice designs. I think after PJD's win in the first one, Sr. wanted to do something flashy....
I'm not sure what Jesse's inspiration was, I've never seen him do a bike like that before.
GM I just don't know much about, but the finished bike looked like a lot of off the shelf parts, slapped together, with a mod here and there (as I said, I didn't watch the process). Classic old schoold chopper...before the days of TIG welding and CMC, and watercutters. Oh, and million dollar shops!
But I think that PJDs bike was just the right amount of what I mentioned earlier. And just enough of "Old school in-your-face Pop". I respect everything that Sr. has done and made of his life, but he's mental :D
thebigorangecat said:
I though Sr. killed it on the Sturgis bike, but why the CNC Fab on the build off????


thats a chopper ...nobody built a chopper !!! thats all there is to it !!! it wasent called a street bike,car lookin,stripped down bobber build off was it ??? CHOPPER BUILD OFF ... :mrgreen:
I agree with the comment about Jesse being a jerk, but you gotta come back to the idea that the whole thing is scripted. This is not reality its a soap opera.

As far as the bikes go, I personally like Paul Jr's bike. Maybe it is a great big pig and would be a pain to ride, but if ride quality was the issue then they would all be building sport bikes.
outskirtscustoms said:
If ride quality and comfort was an issue all the bikers would be trading in their Harleys for Hondas.

Baaahaha :D You forgot to mention reliability and performance :shock: Love my Harley, but I ride it for the same reason I ride my old cruisers and it ain't all about the functionality.
It's antics and gimmicks like this that make my not even want to watch any of those non-reality shows. Personally I like Gas Monkey's build but, in the end it doesn't matter what any of the bikes were built like or who wins. The end product always seems to be the same with stuff like this, lots of people bash on the contestants or people in the show and then the next week even more viewers tune in. Its all about getting ratings. These shows are more fabricated drama than anything else...
As said above, I thought this was a chopper build off? There isnt one in the contest.

Funny how the goofy guy from Assmonkey Garage that complained the most didnt even pick up a wrench.