$50 would be great !!! the rear slik is $35-40 by itself new, or at least it was.
Beauty is in the eye of the Beerholder! What may be cool to one, may not be cool to others. I don't find all of the bikes on this site very pretty, but some to me are awesome as he**! Who knows, maybe these cheap wally world bikes, might spark the interest in some youngsters, and get them into bikes, and each kid interested in something such as bikes, is one less kid on crack!LOL..... you know, it's a sad day when a forum devoted to beautiful bikes begins to adopt the position that $88 bikes from Walmart are "COOL".
Why is every post you make negative?TornadoDave said:LOL..... you know, it's a sad day when a forum devoted to beautiful bikes begins to adopt the position that $88 bikes from Walmart are "COOL".
JIMBO420 said:Why is every post you make negative?TornadoDave said:LOL..... you know, it's a sad day when a forum devoted to beautiful bikes begins to adopt the position that $88 bikes from Walmart are "COOL".
Rat Rod said:Someone even told me recently that Wal-Mart throws away the bikes that they get back as returns.
Rat Rod said:The guy I talked to said that they would give the returned bikes away to charities that could prove their status and would come pick them up. Otherwise he said they just pitch them and eat the cost....which apparently isn't much these days.
Who knows if that is nationwide policy though.
Probably another reason they don't want to carry high quality bikes.
october said:how do they ride?
and how do they ride if you're 6'3" 240pounds? :wink: