Gooood morning RatRodBikes! Since the end of our annual Build Off, I have received some comments about doing a regular 'video update' related to rat rod bikes , the creative processes and techniques we all employ on our builds, and other related topics involving the vintage custom bicycle and those who dig it.
I probably won't have time or mostly , energy, to pull off a build for the Winter Build Off this year. A thought struck me this morning that perhaps I could be involved by contributing a 'Weekend Update', inspired by the old SNL skit that was first created by Chevy Chase in 1975. It wouldn't necessarily be that comedic, but would have elements of humor, information, updates from the past week on the WBO builds that are in progress, and photos in kind of a slide - show format as shown in the sample video below. I would of course ask for permission from any builder before featuring them or their photos in the Weekend Update.
Following is a
very short example of the kind of thing I might do. The production of this sample one is lacking, I used the mic built into my laptop, and didn't select any timing features for length of each photo, etc. So please disregard the quality of production for now. Just let me know if something like this would be of interest. And also let me know if you can watch the video on your various devices as posted here. Thanks, and ...RaT oN~!
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