The Shadow

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Back to it. Got a little out of touch from burn out at work. Gots to pay the bills :cry:

I made some studs for the forks but had to jack the juice up on the welder. Moving it on to the last terminal.

I made the studs up with two sets of washers, one to go into the tubes and one to lay on top of the tubes. I found some from the center of the hole saw that came from cutting tubing.

Welded the studs in and cleaned up the welds. Lined up and drilled the top plate and capped off with some acorn nuts.

I'll clean up the fork assembly and bring it to where I work and paint it there. I little paint before going home at the end of the day should move the fork along nicely.

YOU CAN DO IT!.....YOU CAN DO IT!....Just cause your body is old and riddled with arthritis, doesn't mean you can't finish on time....This, this, this may be your LAST build, make it your BEST one. Some of us "old" guys have fallen by the wayside. We're cheerin for ya. Ya can't let us down. (I hope when it's time to vote, there are no chads involved).
That's nice of you to say. For that you get the Raleigh Ladies ..............for being Kota................if you want it.............'cept it's brown not green.

I pobably wont make it to dead line either, but that dosen´t mean our bikes wont be finish and lookin´ great, (well at least yours, not too sure about mine :roll:).
Keep building no matter what! You tha man!!!
Forget the deadline, I want to see this bike finnished.
Yes, I've secretly been following this build, don't tell anyone.
Please, please, enough. I'm getting that warm fuzzy feeling. A little salve on it and I'll be fine. The Shadow has been a concept I have been looking into for over a year. It was the "anything goes build off" that got it into motion. There's no way I'll quit working on it. So far it shows signs of being very rideable and I can't wait for the movie. 8)
I also like to say that tallbikes aren't that scary, just their riders so KOTA relax brother.

Graylock said:
I also like to say that tallbikes aren't that scary, just their riders so KOTA relax brother.GL
I don't ride no tallbike...............But I've been scaring 16 year olds, for OVER 40 years now. :lol:
wow... that s looking great its pretty high :shock: i think i would get a nose bleed rideing it ..nice job..
Cleaned up the welds and took a long look at it for straightness. I found a glitch in the fork dropouts. One's lower than the other :shock: . Nothing's perfect in life and this has a simple fix. I also rode it standing on the lower bar to see how it rolled
for the climb up. 8) . I'll fix the forks and prep it for paint. Maybe by next week I'll have that part done , meanwhile I'll be working on the rest of the frame and the all important chain line.

Later freaks................GL


the shadow is coming out awesome
the fork looks sweet with your tube arangement
it definitely needs a hairpin seat
is it taller than your other tall bike?