I was a poser back in the late 80s and early 90s. My first board was something my dad and I made, I remember tracing it out on to 3/4" plywood, using a coffee can as a template to round the nose. Then we sanded and polyurethaned it and bolted on a set of roller skate "trucks." Soon I remember getting a bright green Nash skateboard from a KB Toy Store. It was wood, but thick and flat. Around this time other skateboards arrived usually from yard sales, Nash and Variflex, just the junk of the skateboard world. Then I got my first real deck, with fish tail and it was concave, though it too was an off-brand that came from Price Club (similar to Sams or Costco).
Eventually I got to order something from one of those little California Cheap Skates catalogs that I use to get in the mail, did anyone else drool over those catalogs? My first real board was a Sims Kevin Staab, it had a pirate on it, I was into the boards with a lot of art in them. I bought a Vision Psycho Stick off of a friend and there were other boards. I had a ramp in the back yard, about 3' tall, I could skate up it, stop on the coping, turn and go back down, and I could "drop in." Like I said, I was a poser.
My last real board was a Christian Hosoi deck, it was the one that looked like graffiti on purple. Being a poser it didn't get scratched up and I ended up selling it to a friend in high school around 93-94 for $80. I went to college with him and he hardly rode it.
Around 1998 I was at a surf/skate shop and saw those huge risers and big rubber tractor wheels, so I bought a set for $40, but didn't have a board anymore. I went to my friend living off campus as asked about the old deck wanting to buy it back, and he just gave it to me.
I put the big wheels on it and rode it some, but then got a cheap Target skateboard and put the big wheels on it and I still have that.
I put the Hosoi back to original and sold it on CL a few years ago for $100. So if you are keeping track my parents originally bought me that skateboard complete for about $100. I sold it once for $80 and then again for $100. haha
So now I have big wheel skateboard, and recently took a skateboard and did a body drop on it (yes it's rideable, and fun), I have an old plastic banana board I found last year, but I want a long board. I'd just rather pedal now than pump.