Re: TheFlyingDingo's Fresh bikes-New bike(s)-7/22
Found some more bikes today.
Was browsing the Port huron craigslist and saw this bike, emailed the guy and i got an email back today, he accepted my offer of $20
Its an interesting bike, in fair condition. I think firwalker has a bike really similar to this. I think he put bel air on the side.
IT was made in czechoslavia(sp) which i think is pretty cool
Thought the seat tube sticker was cool.
Awesome wheels, love em. Never saw a dropcenter type thing like this.
Cool tires.
Never saw a chainwheel like this. Of course its cottered too.
Driving home from picking this car up, i ran into this guy's house who's back yard was LOADED with bikes and stuff. I didnt have enough cash to buy anything...and i didnt know his address.
and i cleaned my car!
Just the whitewalls and the headlights....yet to wash it