WINTER (DEC 1st 2013- MARCH 1st 2014) build-off (summer in Aust) All Done! JOIN US NEXT YEAR!

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Rule Clarification? What are the guidelines as to if the bike is actually rideable? I would like this included in the build off rules if everyone is in agreement: "Bike must be rideable with proof ie: pic or vid of it being ridden."
Rule Clarification? What are the guidelines as to if the bike is actually rideable? I would like this included in the build off rules if everyone is in agreement: "Bike must be rideable with proof ie: pic or vid of it being ridden."
Seems reasonable!

I like videos, and I do feel it gives an extra boost to the voting anyway, hopefully more people will get them so they can be included in the voting thread... We only had 2 in the muscle bike build-off and it didn't seem fair to include them in the voting thread.

You guys seem to pick and choose what rules you want to follow...:soapbox:
Big Build-off rules seem fine... So only one entry? What about the categories? We seem to have dispensed with categories and number of entries, why try to enforce that a bike be ride-able with a video? The only build I've ever done in my short time here is able to be ridden, I wouldn't build a bike that wasn't. But I don't do videos, I ain't got no smartphone, I'm barely able to get pics onto my crusty old laptap with my sad little fliphone. So I suppose ditch the rules that even the field and then make it even harder to compete. Pretty soon we can join the tire sniffers and limit the entries to those shorn with genuine Indian rubber...

Big build off rules state that bike has to be rideable. I suggested pics or vids, not just vids. I have a smart phone, but unfortunately it's smarter than I! I somehow manage to post pics when I need to. Personally, I don't give a shizzle about winning, I do it because I like to build. A build off just gives me a deadline which I need sometimes. I just think it makes it more fair to everyone if the rules are known before the end of the build. That way you don't have a bunch of winers griping after the fact.
Exactly why I asked before the Muscle Bike build...hehe. I also was playing Dev's Advoc. I still believe the rules used for the Big Build-off are pretty well thought out, but if we're ditching categories why shut out wall art? I suppose I could break witness relocation rules and post a pick of me riding my bike...

Exactly why I asked before the Muscle Bike build...hehe. I also was playing Dev's Advoc. I still believe the rules used for the Big Build-off are pretty well thought out, but if we're ditching categories why shut out wall art? I suppose I could break witness relocation rules and post a pick of me riding my bike...

Maybe you could wear a disguise? ;)

Point taken though, I was not suggesting videos be mandatory, it just would be nice to see more from those that can...

For the most part I'm sure everyone's bike is going to be rideable. We shouldn't have to prove it. Just take ones word for it. I think that rule was there so someone wouldn't take there build to far and make a sky scraper that would crumple under the average humans weight because they used duct tape and Popsicle sticks to hold to forks on. I'm sure we can all be honest and if someone's bike has the appearance of being unridable then maybe they could show some proof. Say you lowered the bike and your pedals appear to scrap the floor. That is unridable but you can prove they don't scrap without a video.

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I agree that the bikes need to be rideable. Videos are of course the best proof of ride-ability but not everone has the ability to get video. A photo of a person on a bike "riding" it is not necessarily proof of it being rideable either. My bike, Number 9, is currently unrideable because of the long cranks hitting the ground... just as rubsterob suggests. But I could get the bike coasting and have a photo taken while the pedals are up and it would look like I was riding it.

Therefore... although I am all for the riding photos and videos, they are actually not really proof of much except that the bike can hold weight.

So I'm with rubtserob... if someone says they rode it, they rode it :)

Hehe indeed! I get it, like them lowriderbikes that you know you can't pedal cuz they're so low. I've seen some of those showbikes blinged into the thousands...
They're not my style but I'm surprised we don't see them here.... and what if you did?

Hey while we're changin' things up...
Can I get an extension? My bikes too short, and I been finishing my Muscle bike and getting ready for the BONINE. I ain't hardly worked on my current build, hehehe...

Is it to late to throw a bike into the build off. Also it is one that I built up before and started to rebuild this last December not even knowing about the Winter Build off.
Is it to late to throw a bike into the build off. Also it is one that I built up before and started to rebuild this last December not even knowing about the Winter Build off.

Jump on in! The water is warm, or cold depending where you are! Oh wait, Michigan, probably still frozen!

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