Welcome Tiny! Welcome to the build-off too!
Probably should put you intro in the intros thread...
Probably should put you intro in the intros thread...
Seems reasonable!Rule Clarification? What are the guidelines as to if the bike is actually rideable? I would like this included in the build off rules if everyone is in agreement: "Bike must be rideable with proof ie: pic or vid of it being ridden."
Maybe you could wear a disguise?Exactly why I asked before the Muscle Bike build...hehe. I also was playing Dev's Advoc. I still believe the rules used for the Big Build-off are pretty well thought out, but if we're ditching categories why shut out wall art? I suppose I could break witness relocation rules and post a pick of me riding my bike...
Is it to late to throw a bike into the build off. Also it is one that I built up before and started to rebuild this last December not even knowing about the Winter Build off.
Is it to late to throw a bike into the build off. Also it is one that I built up before and started to rebuild this last December not even knowing about the Winter Build off.
Frozen on the surface for sure... but I wouldn't want to go for a swim even if it wasn't froze over.Jump on in! The water is warm, or cold depending where you are! Oh wait, Michigan, probably still frozen!