I don't see anything wrong with this bike.. Looks good.!!!
I don't see anything wrong with this bike.. Looks good.!!!
I know the purist dislike this but I really like the changes. Shiny new
Buy it and do it! I want to see that happen!"I'd like to buy this Mono Shock frame but, fear the recourse"
"I allways wanted to install a Hijacker adjustable air shock on one, to see if it rode any better"
As long as you're happy with the end result and it brings you joy that is all that matters. When we choose to modify things or do things differently than main stream and share it online it leaves us open to all sorts of feedback. Sadly quite a bit of that online feedback can be hurtful. It's easy for people to sit behind a keyboard or touch screen rather anonymously and be unkind, or sometimes downright cruel. In the many years I've been online I've had to develop thicker skin. It's tough being your own person and putting yourself out there.
Buy it and do it! I want to see that happen!
Don't worry about views verses comments, that is the case with any thread, some threads with only one or two posts can have 10,000 views or more, that's just the way it goes some times.Thanks... Nobody is really bothering me online. It's just knowing that over 3,000 people have viewed my post. And, only a select few open minded people have been positive about what I have done & am doing. I'd rather get into a heated discussion than to be ignored. I think enough time has past and, that there are enough of these types of bikes out there. For a few to be modified as mine are. Or, even better than that! It's high time the "Do Not Tamper With" Signs be removed. For they surely will be upon are passing...
Don't worry about views verses comments, that is the case with any thread, some threads with only one or two posts can have 10,000 views or more, that's just the way it goes some times.
I know the purist dislike this but I really like the changes. Shiny new