One thing I suggest for the first few rides with these home-engineered suspensions is the bring a couple of wrenches wih you. Stop and torque your bolts and nuts untill every thing settles in. In some cases you may even need jam nuts for pivot points.
I didn't do this for my photoshoot ride, so I had to stop and hand tighten a few acorn nuts against the jam nuts. Tonight I went through and re torqued everything and improved a few nut/jam nut/bolt/washer combos to improve things. I am jonesing for a Flexy ride this weekend.
I also changed out the seat clamps to get a tighter grip on the seat post. I want to make sure that I get everything tip top before next weekend's Savannah Bicycle Campaign's Midnight Garden Ride. Last year I won two contests there with BEER RUN for $200 at the LBS. I hope to do the same this year and maybe even win a Fat Tire bike they are giving away.