Hi everone, well after near on finishing my Schwinn Wasp, which some of you might have seen in my intro thread, I decided I wanted
to build a board track style bicycle.I started collecting bits for the build at the begining of the year and putting some ideas together of what
I wanted the bike to look like.I have always loved the very early Harley Davidson and Indian motorcycles, I don't think I shall be owning
one of those in the near future, but building bicycles over the last couple of years has really given me the chance to try and create
rides with something close to that look.This is a little bit of what I have done so far.
My first step was to try and get hold of a frame, and after much searching, I managed to find a nice straight bar Schwinn in good condition.
So I had my base.
I have decided to go with a set of repop Monark forks, as I wanted that springer front end look.After reading a few posts on them
and how the welding isn't so good, I may have to pop down my local garage and see if someone can put some stronger welds on
them for me.More on that later.
I also managed to find a Hawthorne Mongomery Ward donor bicycle, which I have dismantled and shall be using most of the parts.
Handle bars, grips, wheels, pedals, head set cups, bearings, crank, fenders etc.. I have cleaned most of the thick dirt and grease from the
parts and have them waiting for the rebuild.I thought it would be easier to use the parts from a bike, rather than trying to piece it all
together and plus I then have another frame for a future build.
I managed to find a very very cool old wrights saddle.Im not going to do anything to it as I don't want the leather to shine, I love the aged
leather and rusty metal.
With ideas flowing, I made a start on the tank.I can't weld, something I plan on doing in the future, but I can work with wood, so I went
down to my local B&Q and picked up some inch thick pine.Whilst I was there, I had a look at the paints and ended up finding ones which I
liked.They are a matt brown suede, which has a textured feel and a dark chocolate matt brown.
I made a template on to some card and started cutting out the wood.
So as it wasn't too heavy, I took some of the weight out the middle planks by drilling holes.
Then stuck the pieces together which some super strong no more nails.Gave it a good sand and really worked hard to get the shape I
Then Started with the filling.
Quick undercoat and I laid down the paint on the frame and tank.Using the Suede textured paint first
and then the dark matt brown over the top.
I have also rubbed and dry brushed on some coppers, browns and greens to give it all that rusty aged effect.
The Forks also arrived in the post, so made a start on sanding them and gave them a spray and did the same with them as I did with the frame
and tank.
Will head down to the garage hopefully this week and ask about strengthening the welds.
This is how the bicycle stands at the moment.Tank has not been fixed in place yet, hopefully get that done this week.
Lots more planned.I have some Schwalbe Cream Fat Franks waiting to go on the wheels when i've finished them.
More updates soon.
to build a board track style bicycle.I started collecting bits for the build at the begining of the year and putting some ideas together of what
I wanted the bike to look like.I have always loved the very early Harley Davidson and Indian motorcycles, I don't think I shall be owning
one of those in the near future, but building bicycles over the last couple of years has really given me the chance to try and create
rides with something close to that look.This is a little bit of what I have done so far.
My first step was to try and get hold of a frame, and after much searching, I managed to find a nice straight bar Schwinn in good condition.
So I had my base.

I have decided to go with a set of repop Monark forks, as I wanted that springer front end look.After reading a few posts on them
and how the welding isn't so good, I may have to pop down my local garage and see if someone can put some stronger welds on
them for me.More on that later.
I also managed to find a Hawthorne Mongomery Ward donor bicycle, which I have dismantled and shall be using most of the parts.
Handle bars, grips, wheels, pedals, head set cups, bearings, crank, fenders etc.. I have cleaned most of the thick dirt and grease from the
parts and have them waiting for the rebuild.I thought it would be easier to use the parts from a bike, rather than trying to piece it all
together and plus I then have another frame for a future build.
I managed to find a very very cool old wrights saddle.Im not going to do anything to it as I don't want the leather to shine, I love the aged
leather and rusty metal.

With ideas flowing, I made a start on the tank.I can't weld, something I plan on doing in the future, but I can work with wood, so I went
down to my local B&Q and picked up some inch thick pine.Whilst I was there, I had a look at the paints and ended up finding ones which I
liked.They are a matt brown suede, which has a textured feel and a dark chocolate matt brown.
I made a template on to some card and started cutting out the wood.

So as it wasn't too heavy, I took some of the weight out the middle planks by drilling holes.

Then stuck the pieces together which some super strong no more nails.Gave it a good sand and really worked hard to get the shape I

Then Started with the filling.

Quick undercoat and I laid down the paint on the frame and tank.Using the Suede textured paint first

and then the dark matt brown over the top.

I have also rubbed and dry brushed on some coppers, browns and greens to give it all that rusty aged effect.

The Forks also arrived in the post, so made a start on sanding them and gave them a spray and did the same with them as I did with the frame
and tank.

Will head down to the garage hopefully this week and ask about strengthening the welds.
This is how the bicycle stands at the moment.Tank has not been fixed in place yet, hopefully get that done this week.

Lots more planned.I have some Schwalbe Cream Fat Franks waiting to go on the wheels when i've finished them.
More updates soon.