Campground Buggy Trike

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Back in the campground, but probably not making big progress, as my younger one invited a friend over. So it's a lot of daddy please...! 😉
But at least I could hold on the chain guard:

I' ll probably just take off the shine a bit and add a bit of rusty overspray, as I don't have a lot of black left...
What do you think?
This morning I finally managed to hook up the sirene and the horns. First I installed the switches. The black one is for the horns, red for sirene (it allows for half way in for a short signal and all in for continuous sound).


Then I had to change the fittings for the horns, as according to the manual I had them wrong first.


Everything connected and tidied up a bit. On the left the switch relais for the horns and I built in an extra fuse...

I like the sound:

Off to the lake to row over to the island of fun with the rope swing...

Next weekend I'll try to take some decent pics if the weather and family plans allow it....
A few sidenotes:
The cover is still in play but due to lack of money for paint and especially lack of time it is postponed until after the BO. Here it sits on the lovely 70ties style couch in my caravan:

If I manage to pull it off, it will be locked with this:

And while sifting through my stash last night, I found these:

I'm thinking of using them as cableguides on the frame...
Arrived late on the campground tonight (sans kids) after a nice family and friends afternoon with coffee and cake in our garden and took the buggy for a quick nightly spin to the little harbour.




On the way back I realized that the lights drain the battery really quick. The whole thing took me half an hour tops and the lights got dim already. I probably have to switch to LED instead of standard or halogen bulbs and buy me a stronger battery... It's always the same: buy cheap, buy twice...
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I really like all the lighting on your rig. I can imagine there is quite a 'draw' on that battery!
That's quite a ride map you've got there. Looking forward to photos / vids.
Before the Picture-Ride I added some final details to the trunk. A while ago I had ordered several stickers. Today was the day to put them on. I placed most of them on the angled frontplate. I didn't want to draw to much optical attention to them, but still make them visible.
And if I manage to finally get an official RatRodBikes sticker it will go on here as well!

Oh and here you can also see, that I added a little cover over the horn and sirene switches (it's a drawer handle of which I had several on stock):

Only one of them found its spot in plain view:
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