Cobrafreak's board track racer project, has ended

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Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

harry76 said:
Sorry to hear that Cobra, but thanks for the headsup.... Glad to see you are back on the road.

How fast were you going when the chain jumped off? Did it lock the rear wheel? Did it damage your faux drum cover?

About 33mph. It did not lock the rear wheel. No damage other than the broken spokes and the original disk brake adapter when I removed it from the wheel. I took an added measure to insure that this type of thing would not happen again. I went to a motorcycle accessory shop and got a chain slack adjuster wheel made for a dirt bike. Rather than using a skate board wheel as my slack adjuster wheel, the motorcycle slack adjuster is tougher with better bearings, stronger urethane, and most importantly, a chain channel that is of a really good design that will not let the chain fall off. My chain alignment is perfect now. I set it with a laser. I'm good to go now. Lesson learned. If your chain is one degree off and you think it will be fine, it won't be. Do whatever it takes to make it absolutely perfect.
My Birthday Present.

My Wife asked me what I wanted for my Birthday and I told her I was interested in Stan's NoTubes anti-flat system. If you don't know what it is you need to watch the first video on the page. I hope this guy Stan becomes a millionaire because it is the answer I think a lot of Cyclists and Motor-Cyclists are looking for. If I had not seen the video with my own eyes I would never have believed it.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Cool....Happy Bday Cobra!!!! All i want for my Bday is your Indian :)............... Stan did well in his demo to keep riding in between the two bits of wood with nails. I would have got the wobbles and crashed lol
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

harry76 said:
Cool....Happy Bday Cobra!!!! All i want for my Bday is your Indian :)............... Stan did well in his demo to keep riding in between the two bits of wood with nails. I would have got the wobbles and crashed lol
Thanks man. A year older, a year wiser. Stan no doubt needed to re-inflate his tires every time he ran through the "strip of death" or he would have run out of air. But it is impressive non the less. I should have the kit from Stan's No Tubes in a few days. I'll take pictures and walk through the procedure. I'm curious to see if they will work well with Fat Franks.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Im looking foeward to seeing how well it works and how you install it. Keep up the good work....
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Engine update. I have about 550 trouble free miles on the new GX200 engine. It starts 99% of time on the first pull, 1% of time on the second pull. The power is great. I changed the oil within the first few days of running and did an oil change at 450 miles. It stays clean a long time. I may add some Slick 50 Teflon oil treatment to the engine in the future. I have good results in all my vehicles with it. The CVT transmission is so easy to live with. It makes a fun ride even better. The rear mechanical disk brake works superb. Lot's of braking confidence now. The dirt bike chain adjuster pulley I installed is much better material than a skate board wheel, and safer. It is still urethane but it is a higher grade and I feel it will outlast a few skateboard wheels at least. All the kinks appear to be out.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Good to hear... how about when you are out riding take some pics of this beautiful rig with a scenic background?
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

I noticed that I had a slight stutter at acceleration so I got my smallest drill bit, a .040 and enlarged the main jet. OMG! This thing is a rocket now! I knew AGK sold drilled out main jets and I guessed my carb was not at optimum so I assumed it was not getting enough fuel. I guessed right. It was starving at WFO.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

More power....... thats scary.... but fun i bet :D :D :D :D
Comet Transmission testing results

I played around with my Comet with the three adjustment holes on the rear pulley and how they really change the ride characteristics of the clone engine. I mentioned earlier in a post that if you put the spring in hole #3 it will stall the rear pulley shift for added quickness, but that was really an over-simplified answer. I have the full breakdown now.

Spring in hole #1: The bike will have the highest top speed. The acceleration will be the slowest. The engine braking will be the best. I currently have the Indian in this setting. When you have a street bike with not the greatest brakes this is a really good setting to be in. The engine will stay engaged (with a 50 tooth rear sprocket) till you come down to 15 mph. I would say 1/3 less braking is required with this setting because the engine does such a good job of slowing you down. Really effective. Potentially the best milage of all three settings. The engine braking torque is so high that I had to remove my automatic chain adjuster and run the stock adjuster because no amount of spring tension would work.

Spring in hole #2: This is the stock setting. I used to think hole #1 was stock, but I was wrong, #2 is. It is the middle of the road. Neither fantastic acceleration, top speed, or quickness. Truly middle of the road. I suppose that when the Comet is set up on a Cart racer it will behave much different than a bike due to the tire diameter, but on a bike it doesn't stand out in any particular area. It doesn't have any noticeable engine braking effects on my bike set-up at least.

Spring in hole #3: This is the quickest setting. It holds the rear pulley in the highest ratio longer. With my 50 tooth chain ring it will out accelerate automobiles from lights on a regular basis. But the charging acceleration stops around 35mph and then once you are at 40 the effect slows way down. This would be good for sprint races where you have really fantastic brakes, because the Comet will disengage the engine as soon as you decelerate. Any stopping you will do must come from your brakes because that is all you are going to have. I liked the acceleration on the street but once I found the engine braking characteristics of setting #1 I switched.
Very hot day today

It was 100 degrees in Sacramento today and I am happy to report that my 12 mile return trip from work was fine. No overheating of any kind without the use of a fan shroud. Just running an aluminum flywheel with fan blades on it. I took my laser thermometer to the head and at the exhaust port I was getting 300 degrees, and the opposite side of the head with the fan blades on it I was getting 255 degrees. So this is proof, it works!
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

So I have been using automotive type LED turn signal bulbs for my headlamp and rear light since the inception of the Indian and they usually lasted for about four or five weeks before failing. I needed a better lighting system. I looked at all the bicycle forums and online bike part outlets for the best LED Dyno hub lighting system. One that works with 6 volts at 3 Watts. I found it. The Supernova E3 triple.

This thing rocks. It has 3 LED bulbs that are super bright. 33 lumens at 50 ft! When you start out one bulb lights, then when you hit 9 mph the other 2 illuminate. It has a matching tail light too. They all fit inside my existing lamps for a clean appearance. The lights contain "super capacitors" that will maintain high output luminance for ten seconds after you stop then it switches to low power mode and will stay lit for ten minutes after stopping. So you will still be seen when you stop! When I actually saw how bright this head lamp was, aircraft landing lights came into my mind. It will blind you. So idiots in cars will see me better. The cost is steep for this lamp. Shockingly high. So high I wont mention the price here. :O I was really uncomfortable paying so much for this light system, but after I seen it in action I know that I made the right decision. Works great.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Here is a picture from earlier this year. I was riding past Sacramento Harley Davidson which was having a charity BBQ with the Buffalo Soldiers M/C. I rode my bike in to check it out and they wanted me to pose for a few pictures with them. It was a lot of fun.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Just imagine if you had the 6.5hp in it at the time, you may have been mobbed.... LOL

Cool pic Cobrafreak, im sure your bike has allowed you to meet some pretty cool people.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

I just spent all morning reading the entire post! Love it!

Here's a suggestion if you're still thinking about kick start. How about a simple system using a cable that you'd wrap around the (I forget what it's called) and have a hook/attachment on the other end that you'd attach to the pedal? While up on the stand you'd just wind it, give it a quick stomp, and voila! You'd still have to manually wind it up at every start, but I think the cool factor would increase by 5%!

I'm currently working on my first build. A so-so boardtrack "homage" using a vintage Schwinn frame and Chinese engine I bought before I knew anything. I've long dreamed about making a serious BTR, you've added fuel to the fire. To me, the coolest thing about this build is that it seems within the realm of possibliity of the everyman. While your skills are certainly beyond mine, it seems like a project anyone could do with enough determination and the ample help available at these forums!

Me----> :shock:

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