Seems like the best solution, nice work making it happen!
Too late! It's already done.might be easier to 1) sell the rechrome console cover for big bucks, then 2) build a new from scratch cover from ABS or styrene ? then have chromed ( using the big bucks you got from the other ones sale ) .
Just an idea.
A few years ago I had the opportunity to buy this Rollfast Top Fuel sprocket. @RailRider will agree with me that I think it's the best looking sprocket in the muscle bike community. He put one on a custom Top Fuel Rail he built years ago, and it inspired me to use it for this build.
I need opinions: Currently the center is painted flat black, but it's got a number of small chips. I have one of 3 option:
1) Leave it alone. Even with chips, it's only original once.
2) Repaint the flat black, even though the edges have a fade into the chrome that will be exceptionally difficult to recreate.
3) Repaint the same color as the bike. (Violet)
It's flat black, but the flash doesn't do the chrome or the paint justice.Those are cool sprockets. I like it the way it is. Is it just faded? Looks cool more greyish.
Color matched might be sweet but would have to see it to be sure.
What do you use to strip paint with? Had a heck of a time stripping the last Schwinn I painted.