I'm digging the rear trusses, but even though they had optional racks, the rack takes away from the build and the flow of things in my opinion. It reminds me of when I see racks under banana seats.
Coming from a creative young man I’m proud to read your comment, thanks!This thing is classy
Yah KF, racks always seem to be the kids of death in this forum. I’m just amazed that the rack and rods meshed together without any interference.I'm digging the rear trusses, but even though they had optional racks, the rack takes away from the build and the flow of things in my opinion. It reminds me of when I see racks under banana seats.
I’m probably anal retentive in regards to details. It comes from years of teaching, architectural design and detailing along with writing architectural specifications. I’m glad you are noticing the details, thank you.You pay amazing attention to detail. Each time I look, I see another sweet little detail. Nice work!
It is an awkward looking bike. To me that is the appeal. It’s different from the frames we are programmed to usually see. Somewhat like evolution in reverse but somewhat mimics chopper bikes. Thank you sir!This is awkwardly cool to me, I dig it!
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Thanks for the props, my goal has been to try to stay somewhat true to the original look. It has an interesting ride. I’m liking it, guess that’s what it all about. Rat on!It looks a LOT like the picture. Really cool bike!
Got to thinking...not sure I’ve ever seen banana seat bike with a rack. Maybe someone can enlighten me?I'm digging the rear trusses, but even though they had optional racks, the rack takes away from the build and the flow of things in my opinion. It reminds me of when I see racks under banana seats.
Got to thinking...not sure I’ve ever seen banana seat bike with a rack. Maybe someone can enlighten me?
I found an answer to my question about banana seat bike with a rack.I've never seen one from the factory that way, but I have some adult builds that have been done with a banana seat on a bike that has a rack.
It showed up for sale in Georgia...I found an answer to my question about banana seat bike with a rack.
I received new metal backed reflectors today. They should look better that the plastic ones. Thanks @sdframe.I really like all the blue details.