Re: "Fixing" Up the dynasty-Parts car is a winner
MagicRat said:
Hey Fly...Ya wanna cool steering wheel?
I've had MANY of thier styles of steering wheels on many cars over the years (Highly recomended by me)
None of them were not that all expencive.
Those are all such awesome wheels. None look similar to the original. They dont have anything boxy enough. :lol:
Anywho....Heres some pictures of where progress is going:
Basically just ripping apart the parts car. Really was getting grossed out by the nastiness. Its not like...Dirty trash, its mainly dog hair.
Tore out the front seat, Greeted by a pile of gum wrappers, and some french fries.
Backseat went too,
Found an un-holy amount of pens, some CDs a ton of tickets for parking, wrappers, cigarette boxes and a UofM sticker.
Oh, And 5 Dogs worth of hair.
Its caked on.
This doesnt work
Also found $15 worth of change under the 2 seats. Still need to get the drivers seat out, or loose. Sold the CD player from it for $15. Not bad considering its not much newer than the car was. Next step is to get the last seat out, rip out the carpet. I'm going to save most of the rubber and insulation, to deaden more noise in the final product. the carpet is dead. So is the battery, so that is extremely annoying.