Kickstand Magazine Update

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Did anyone else get the email from kickstand saying that issue 10 would be out soon? It also says that there will be 5 more issues coming in the next year. Thoughts?

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I tried to be civil with Brad, but he is just a self-centered ......... scammer. He lies, gives excuses, gets defensive, and stalls, but does not deliver on his promises. He gives biking a bad name and I wish I had never subscribed to his lame magazine. I would seriously like to punch him in the face!
to funny the couple of issiues I have gotten were good, its sad becuase it could be a great mag too bad its not looking like its headed in that driection.
I e-mailed Kickstand the following letter the other day...
I know this will probably end up in the round file next to the desk, but as a builder and rider of rat bikes and custom cruisers, and as vice president/road captain of the Jersey Devils Bicycle Club I wanted to convey my disappointment at what has happened with the magazine. I subscibed as soon as I heard of the magazine, and even renewed my subscription after the first one ran out. I haven't heard anything from the magazine since last October, just bits and pieces of heresay snatched from other websites. The cruiser rider is a segment of the cycling population that has been pretty much forgotten by mainstream bicycling magazines, and I had hoped that Kickstand would remedy that. Sadly I guess I was mistaken.
Maybe next time

To my surprise I received an answer the next day...

Thanks for your note. I am sorry to have disappointed you, and others like you.

You are clear on the message: the bike industry doesnt "get" the cruiser, and what we had anticipated to the biggest supporter of our publication, (bike industry) it turned out they just wanted us to give them free ads, and you know where that'll get you.

Initially, we were able to fund the magazine out of the funds we had made hosting the Denver Cruiser Ride, but when that grew to epic proportions, and began requiring permits, porta-potties, security - amassing literally 1000s riders each and every week for 20-weeks each summer, those dollars went away.

But we didnt quit. Unfortunately not being armed with a trust fund, or a big savings, or a corporate backer, we have spent the past year working to sustain Kickstand in other ways, this includes having paid in full for the past 2 issues out of our own pockets, and having a committed cruiser person step up and put up the money up for issue 10. Along with this, we discovered that folks at REI totally understood what we up to, and beginning with issue 9, the magazine is in stores in CO, UT and MT. This is where the rubber meets the road.

This is just the beginning, we ran into support issues, but instead of putting heads in our hands and giving up, we have continued to believe in the project, and expect 2013 to be another great year for riding bikes and having fun... And publishing Kickstand Magazine.

Yes, there are some that are down on KSM, but look past their public posts and gripes. There are some of those that are jealous and angry that we have been able to get this far, and have used our delay in publishing to ring their bells in praise that we had failed.

I hope we can win back your confidence. We will do our best to continue to produce a fun and unique publication. That and we will be launching an innovative web tool on 2013 as part of our commitment and support to social riding and fat tires.



Just thought I'd pass it along.
Well, if they want to earn back our confidence, they can start by honoring past (unfulfilled) subscriptions, and continue by not being defensive, abrasive and not continue to pass the buck. If they start sending me the balance of my subscription, and that brings me magazines that actually have decent content, I'd be inclined to resubscribe...
mikesbikes36 said:


First of all WHY is it such a big deal about this Magazine anyway??? I mean they obviously did a lot of people wrong so WHY support a BAD situation?? Is the definition of insanity something like " trying to do something over and over with different results" ?? The Mag was Ok but nothing to worry about. Now having your money taken without something to show for it is a big deal. Either way there is WAY more info and fun posted on this website..that Magazine didnt hold a candle to this place.
I have no trust for the people(person) behind this so called magazine, and they are still trying to pass the buck, putting down anyone who questions their inability to put a magazine out. I've gone over this whole thread again and must say that I have absolutely no confidence that they can deliver a magazine, be decent or provide customer service. The screw up lies on his end, not ours! This was the guys vanity project gone , I will not support them after what they have done and said! Pathetic!
why is this still an issue... dont get me wrong .. If I pay for something.. I want what I paid for .. or I will come looking
for my money back .. this .. is a really dead horse... have never seen an issue... but if the guy has not taken the time
to explain what was going on .. and them goes to REI with it ..instead of peeps who paid for it and waited and waited..
and waited.... and hoped... speaking of hope .. did everyone get the free cell phones for hope from obama ..

its time to call it what it is.. over... can we please pull this thread we would do better to come up with our own ..
RAT ROD MAG...there is plenty of peeps here.. that would support it... contribute to the content ...
A few 100 of us had the same thing happen in the hot rod world in the early 2000s. Everyone got together and scoured every forum on the web and told our story in an adult manner. We contacted advertisers, buisnesses, "myspace"...yes it was big back then. After this company began to make personal attacks and threats on the interwebs towards several of the people we all filed mail fraud claims. With the amount of claims USPS thought it might be wise to call the city this company was located and had a talk with the DA, the DA ran it to the Attorney Generals office and before you know it this place of buisness and all their doors chained shut with city notices taped to the doors.

just sayin

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