Led-Sled Sidecar Project

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Wow!! Thanks everyone for the complements, questions and ideas. Let’s see if I can do this all at once. At this point without enough speed I have only been able to keep up with legburner and he is just now starting physical therapy on his knee. So no two wheel’n yet. Luv the idea on the wheels and maybe a tank but for now I have been goofing around with something else....a dash!! Did I leave anyone out? If so I’m sorry!

Had a small piece of left over aluminum and started working on it but ran out of time tonight to finish it but here is a sneak peek.

Later, HL


yoothgeye said:
Always loved that effect for aluminum, looks great. Amazing that lots of people will think you had to buy it that way.
Thanks, me to! I think it just adds a little bit more eye candy than brushed aluminum, not to say that brushed aluminum doesn't have it's place!

Started having a little fun today with the dash. I added some switches and designated each one to a specific function but before I can proceed with the military spy issued weapons upgrade "as per specs" I need to complete the wiring system before I can attach the dash. :shock:

Later!! HL :mrgreen:



If you only knew!! I have been running things through my melon “Big Time” as to how I can make some
of them functional. I have some ideas that I will be working on soon but that will have to be a new thead.

Yes!! I got my 22 tooth sprocket in today at one of our local bike shops and check this out.... The owner
of the bike shop made a house call to uninstall the 18 tooth, install the 22 tooth and put together the three sets of my signature Half Link chains that I have had for four years just waiting for the third wheel addition. How cool is that!! 8) 8) :D :D Not sure if we can drop names but Roger at Cycle Path Bicycles sure went the extra mile for me! Thanks Roger!! http://www.cyclepathbicycles.net/ :D

So now you all know were the name came from! 8) Here are a few pic’s of the 22 tooth and half link chain.

Oh, and someone hit the smoke screen switch by mistake!! :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Later, HL





Beyond words.

Bike looked great by itself. Hack looked great all black. Then you painted it silver and nailed it. Then the trim color. Every next thing you did was right on. I just read this thread from beginning to end.


Totally awesome build.
Lonewolf said:
I love this bike so much I feel compelled to speak on the dash panel. To really make this thing "kick" the dash needs to not look like an add on. quote]

I beleive the photo of the dash in place is just a mock up where he just layed it on the car to show where it will be.
yoothgeye said:
Lonewolf said:
I love this bike so much I feel compelled to speak on the dash panel. To really make this thing "kick" the dash needs to not look like an add on. quote]

I beleive the photo of the dash in place is just a mock up where he just layed it on the car to show where it will be.

Since I got immediately quoted before I made an edit- I don't think I post enough around here to give anyone something that could be viewed as a crituque.

I was only partly quoted. I finished with something to the effect of: I thought that it would be nice if the dash panel were set inside and carried the same basic spacing as the top of the seat, in relation to the bodywork.

yoothgeye is probably correct.
Lonewolf said:
Since I got immediately quoted before I made an edit- I don't think I post enough around here to give anyone something that could be viewed as a crituque.

You did it very politely, I'm sure no offense was taken, I initially also thought that the dash "in place" kinda looked second thought, then I saw later photos of it not in and realized he was probably just setting in there for effect.

Anyway, the bike is totally sick. What are those tires and what do they cost? They look like a mid 90's super bike tread pattern..
VERY KOOL!! Great job on this. almost perfect.WHAT??? ALMOST?? Who is this Rodney guy with the Almost!!? wait wait dont smash me! Im not Hatin ,just here to help.....its.. its your chain sir, with all due respect sir... its on backwards..not hatin, please dont take it that way , just sayin . 8)
RodneyR said:
VERY KOOL!! Great job on this. almost perfect.WHAT??? ALMOST?? Who is this Rodney guy with the Almost!!? wait wait dont smash me! Im not Hatin ,just here to help.....its.. its your chain sir, with all due respect sir... its on backwards..not hatin, please dont take it that way , just sayin . 8)

I'm not hatin either RodneyR. I was wondering about the direction myself. I looked at it and pondered for a while. It couldn't be the pressure from the teeth, both sprockets are pulling opposite directions I think. The direction seems correct to me, they won't catch anything under strain. That led me to the flat top, Is it upside down. That puzzles me..........but I like flat on the top 8) .
So why is it this beatiful chain, lying there so peaceful, causing such a stir? Any one else? I got to know.

Galtbacken, Thanks man!! Not to change the subject but Fairlady came out unbelievable!! 8)

Thanks X-Ray!! Not sure what they call it but I sure like it!!

ThatOneGuy, Thanks Bro!!

Lonewolf & yoothgeye now you two settle down before you get put in a time out!! :lol: :lol: You are both correct however, I cut out a piece for the dash to put inside and I didn’t like the way it looked so the picture below shows what I decided to go with.

RodneyR and Graylock No offence taken. I did notice after you brought it up that it is indeed on backward. :oops: I will pull it apart tonight to correct it. I had know idea something like that would get so much attention.

My son and I went to the army surplus store the other day and found some really cool goggles for him to
wear on our rides so I had to paint one of my old helmets to go along with them.

Switching gears a bit I'm trying to come up with some sort of windshield that will fit the look of the sidecar. Hope to have some pictures of it soon.

Later HL


