Thanks 808..
Ok.. now I know where to go to get one.. First I need to get busy and finish the "Left Koast Kruiser" before I can start on another project.. That's going to be a while..
Take your time; he'll make more.
I just wanna say, especially with the self-deprecation going on up-thread, that Paul makes an awesome frame. I got a cruiser from a "competitor" (if Genuine has any competitors, anyway), and while that other frame had awesome looking welds all around, the other details were totally freaked up beyond all recognition. Decals were put on crooked, and didn't stick right b/c the adhesive side was covered in blasting media. The seatpost didn't fit, b/c the seat-tube was never reamed, so after i fixed that, i still couldn't get the "original" seatpost in, b/c that was out-of-spec by a few tenths of a mm, so i ran a Worksman post. The other post won't fit any bike properly at, like 22.4mm, so I keep it around for light-duty home security.

The dropouts weren't parallel at all, and the spacing i guess averaged out to be 115mm or something. The top of the seat-tube wouldn't accept a 1" clamp without some filing. Yeah, i worked around it all, but it was a huge disappointment. Spent hundreds of dollars on a brand-new made in US frame, and it needed more prep work than a well-used ex-warehouse frame that you get from Chuckz for $60. Dude has apparently been welding BMX frames since before I was born, and it showed at each juncture, but overall, the frame sucked b/c he just didn't care about quality.
Now, by contrast, the Genuine Article 1 came in 100% perfect. Black powdercoat finish was perfect. Dropouts were perfectly straight, centered, parallel, and exactly 110mm. Headset, seatpost, BB, all perfectly in-spec, and made for a super-easy build-up. The decals came in a packet
off the frame, so I could put them on myself after the full assembly and cleaning. Yeah, some of the welds look less "pro" than the ones on that other frame, but they look perfect from 10" away; you only see some minor flaws if you are right up on it, scrutinizing each joint. And, there's no doubt that the tubes are welded together for
good. The overall feel of the frame is that it is bombproof, as in, drop a live grenade in the BB shell, and i bet the Genuine Article One would survive the blast.
From all the Red Menace talk, it seems like maybe GBP isn't making a whole lot of profit right now, but that doesn't surprise me much, as I think it's more pride and a love for bikes that keeps the outfit going. Look around the forums (and not just this one), and you can see that these GBP products are made between regular semi-organized rides and complicated bike races/events. If it's a side project, well, then the main event is riding, and as a rider, i thoroughly respect that. That's
awesome. That the frames and stems and all look so good and are of high-quality, well, that's even better.
(Just, Paul,
please knurl your handlebars at the clamp, K?)