Its my fault. I thought that you could bend two tubes alike and then weld them a little at the front and when you bend them apart they would bend the same. It dosent seem to work like that. If anybody has worked with curved tubes before ...they dont stay the same when you try to put them together. One is bad enough and it will be hard to line it up straight...two is a nightmare.
Uncle Stretch, the only way to get the tubes to bend evenly and exactly where you want is to use heat (Oxy Acetylene). Even pieces of tube/pipe cut from the one length will bend differently when has to do with the manufacturing process - slightly different wall thickness, differing levels of hardness due to cooling process etc.
There are a lot of variables in tube/pipe manufacture, especially the Chinese manufactured stuff, and unfortunately here in Australia, that is what we mostly get, and any Aussie made stuff that is available is suffering in quality due to having to compete with the Chinese stuff.....built to a price, not quality
Uncle Stretch, the only way to get the tubes to bend evenly and exactly where you want is to use heat (Oxy Acetylene). Even pieces of tube/pipe cut from the one length will bend differently when has to do with the manufacturing process - slightly different wall thickness, differing levels of hardness due to cooling process etc.
There are a lot of variables in tube/pipe manufacture, especially the Chinese manufactured stuff, and unfortunately here in Australia, that is what we mostly get, and any Aussie made stuff that is available is suffering in quality due to having to compete with the Chinese stuff.....built to a price, not quality