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I have tried it before with white primer,and it makes it real bright. This time I'm going with black primer to dull the color down some. I want a dark red color on this one...not cherry red.
Uncle Stretch said:
udallcustombikes said:
I used the Burnt Copper Metal Specks on by Flatliner and it looks awesome. Only problem I had was the nozzle getting clogged up alot. I found two extra nozzles and kept them soaking in acetone until the one in use clogged, then I would swap them out and add the clogged one to the acetone. Pretty good coverage in one or two coats. :D
I talked to some young guys once and they said they used some special nozzles that taggers used and the paint was suppose to come out better on any can.
Check this out:
Thats funny a place that sells paint also sells a hoodie. Hummmm maybe it would help my paint skills. Throw a couple gang signs and start painting.
Yeah Maddog I'm trying for dark red ,but you know me ...anything could happen when I start to paint, and These tires are going on this build.

I had a motorcycle back in the day and it was candy apple red . He faded the gold on the top to the red on the sides. Man was talented...probably is dead by now and not still painting.
Well I trotted down to my handy dandy fab shop and had my friend cut the dropouts to something that looked better. Instead of that point they are now kinda swoopie....Bought some of that red speck duplicolor paint. They are proud of it $11 a can. It ought to paint its self for that much. :lol: Still have a little welding,grinding, and sticking in the bottom bracket , but its getting closer.

you have been building some AMAZING stuff lately Paul...... my only wonder since they are from scratch is it a head scratch or a hiney scratch? hehehehe :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Miss ya being around Hooch. Glad ya like my builds....once I get going out in the shop I'm pretty much scratching everything. :wink: :wink: Then I weld some.
Another topnotch production Paul, can't wait to see it painted 8) should look awesome in red with those tires. It will fit in with the yellow and orange bike for sure. Time for a U.S. trademark headbadge ?
Glad to see your alive and well and survived the flu. Yeah this one is moving right along. Maybe a U S headbadge would be cool. With this one red and the others orange and a yellow ....gonna look like easter eggs going down the street. :lol:
I think I'm going to do a Higgins type bar on this one. I looks kinda good.

Ok yall both liked the higgins type bar and the wife did too. Mark said they needed to be twin bars like the rest so see what you think about twin higgins type bars.


Thanks boardtrack I really dont know what the end result of this is going to look like ,but I'm moving ahead, good bad or indifferant. Wonder what shipping would be on one of my frames.....might get expensive. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Fortunately for you, ground shipping isn't based on weight as much as the size of the box. :wink:
The dropouts look way better now! And the Higgins straightbar is a great addition, then I see the next picture and its twin tubes! Even cooler! Cant wait to see this one done!
Yeah Steve I never ship anyway. I hate that they dont flat rate us for shipping bikes. Like the post office. Give us a bike box and ship anywhere for $30. :lol:

Glad you like it Ratina. I was going to use just a single piece of 1'' and Kram/ Mark said it should be made twin tube. As usual he was right. It does look better.