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A couple of days ago I rode the ‘41 Colson to Pentridge Prison which is now a residential and shopping complex.

On the return trip I passed through a part of Royal Park I haven’t been through before and discovered the plaque in the photos. Little did I know that Royal Park represented an important time in history between the USA and Australia and was once a military camp for thousands of American and Australian servicemen. The camp was named after American Major Floyd Pell who was killed in the 1942 attack on Darwin (in Northern Australia).

Today is our national day of remembrance. Thank you to all the men and women who died, served and continue to serve our beautiful country.



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I rode my Red Menace today and love the new Johnny True Torch Powerslide bars I fitted to it this week.



On the way home I spotted this hotel in the city with 6 airstream trailers for rooms.


I regrettably fitted a front brake after returning as the SA rear drum is quite weak when going fast down hills. I might try a new dia-compe Mx1000 or 883 on the front. I’m not sure how well the new repops work and would appreciate feedback from anyone who has tried them. The Tektro dual pivot caliper I fitted works really well but I’m not a fan of the way it looks.
It kinda looks like it belongs on a road bike 🤢.
I don't have any experience with the new Dia Compes, but they would definitely fit the look better
Gotta keep @MattiThundrrr happy. After I did the grocery shopping this morning I headed to the local bmx shop and picked up a new Dia-compe MX1000 caliper. It took a little more time to set it up than I expected but it works well and has more progression than the Tektro. As i expected the arms flex a fair bit but no where near as much as the Lee Chi version fitted to my Typhoon.

This reproduction Dia-compe caliper is a completely new forging and a bargain at the price of USD $15 I paid for it. I had a look at the prices on ebay for original Japanese ones and they are selling for 30 times as much which I guess would be fine if you have a real Cook Bros Cruiser!
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