Kickstand Magazine Update

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I just threw in the towel on my 1 year subscription, and requested a refund after waiting for over a year for issue 10. I was told several times the "issue is in the mail", by Brad over email. I sent the request for a refund email yesterday and I have not received a response, I will keep you posted...... :x
This whole thing is such a shame on many levels and on both sides.

I'm a magazine freak, in fact, sadly they are my primary soure of reading.

This publication was such a great idea, it really hit a niche in the bicyle industry, a niche we all are part of.

I really miss this magazine, as some of you may know, they highlighted a few members of the RRB family, myself and Double Nickle included, when they did a story on the Rustrocket Deluxe, it even made the cover.

It's just a shame that this endeavour went/is going under and the subscriber base that put their faith (and money) in it are left empty handed and feeling cheated.

I hope this isn't the last publication for the cruiser market, these types of bicycles harken to a bygone era of simplicity and prosperity in this country. A time that, in part, we kinda need again (IMHO)

I hope everyone gets retribution for their investment (myself included) and we will soon have something else to put in our magazine racks.

Dr. T
The last time I contacted head-honcho Brad to voice my displeasure at still not having received an issue in over a year and inform him that he has been reported for mail fraud, he sent this message: "I would suggest that you not contact me again. As luck would have it, california has the stiffest cyberstalking laws. And my attorney has carefully compiled each and every one of your public posts, your emails, and this one as well, and we have already forwarded them to the CA state attorney. BKE"
I told him that he should look up the actual definition of cyberstalking (since it doesn't apply to me) as well as mail fraud and consumer fraud. Then I said that I would leave him alone if he would simply issue me a refund, which I have been requesting for months. He said that I declined a refund. When I asked him to send me proof of this, I didn't hear back, and it has been two weeks.
In the works of the immortal Hitgirl, "What a douche!"
cman said:
They have a job opening from Denver Cruiser FB.
Job opportunity! Expert sales person sought. Must have verifiable print, Internet and sponsorship sales experience. Please send letter and resume to [email protected] easy would that job be. No need to show up for work..just hang out..collect subcription money..learn the art of screwing people. Only thing their ad left out was verifiable criminal history in mail fraud
Wow! just saw this on the kickstand page at FAcebook ... 7817140275 I don't know if you have to belong to facebook to see it. but if you can click see all comments on the top posting. kickstand said they gave away free issue of the magazine at the last sept interbike trade show and are giving away free issues in a lot of bike shops. How can they do that when people paid up and got nothing :?: :shock:

Dorian said:
Wow! just saw this on the kickstand page at FAcebook ... 7817140275 I don't know if you have to belong to facebook to see it. but if you can click see all comments on the top posting. kickstand said they gave away free issue of the magazine at the last sept interbike trade show and are giving away free issues in a lot of bike shops. How can they do that when people paid up and got nothing :?: :shock:


that link I gave doesnt go to the one group of comments that says it, scroll down on the main page and click on the comment by john brian that says "you seem to have pissed off a lot of people".
Kickstand deleted it off facebook, I guess they don't like the truth :shock: Before they deleted it they said they are not sending out any mail subscriptions anymore and that people needed to contact Brad Evans if they wanted a refund, John Brian got real ugly on them then saying that what they did to their subscribers was outragious. Then it got deleted. Don't expect any issues in the mail they said none are going out anymore. Nice of them to let people know. :(
I was just thinking, it took them 13 months to tell people they were not going to get their subscriptions! Whats it called when you accept money for goods and you dont provide them? :shock:
I dunno what you call it, but i call it something you usually find on the ground under the backside of a bull.
It really is a shame because most of the "mainstream" bicycle publications seem to have forgotten we exist. Pick up the latest issue...well heck, any issue of Bicycling in the last year or two and it's all "Buy This! Get Faster" Get Lighter!" Sorry, but that's not where i live anymore. :roll:
MazdaFlyer said:
Amazing: Their Facebook page now says to contact [email protected] for subscription issues.

I posted a message on facebook earlier and it just got deleted too. I asked them why they keep referring people to Brad K Evans when he doesn't reply or seem to genuinely care. I may have mentioned him coming off as a crook too. :roll: This is up there now for those who don't do facebook ...

If for any reason you have an outstanding subscription issue you are to immediately contact the publisher at: [email protected] ...He will get the matter resolved for you. Thanks and sorry for any inconvenience.
GameBent said:
I suggest that everyone who hasn't received a refund and who still has outstanding issues report Brad Evans and KSM for mail fraud. Here's a link:
I have been requesting a refund for over six months, and I get nothing but lies and the runaround from Brad!

Seems harsh, but appropriate.
GameBent said:
I suggest that everyone who hasn't received a refund and who still has outstanding issues report Brad Evans and KSM for mail fraud. Here's a link:
I have been requesting a refund for over six months, and I get nothing but lies and the runaround from Brad!

I think that's the only option you guys have left.
irideiam said:
I just threw in the towel on my 1 year subscription, and requested a refund after waiting for over a year for issue 10. I was told several times the "issue is in the mail", by Brad over email. I sent the request for a refund email yesterday and I have not received a response, I will keep you posted...... :x

As of today, No response to my refund request...
If for any reason you have an outstanding subscription issue you are to immediately contact the publisher at: [email protected] ...He will get the matter resolved for you. Thanks and sorry for any inconvenience.
They also give out his Facebook in a few other comments. Maybe he could be found there as he seems to post regularly.
Apparently he hasn’t inconvenienced his subscribers(the people capitalizing his business) enough. Now they have to ask for their money if they want it back.

What a doofus that dude is. Does he really have no clue who has unfulfilled subscriptions?
In May of this year I requested a refund from Kickstand at this email- [email protected]. I received a refund of $10 about a month later. I figure they gave me half considering I had received three issues already. I wish they would have given it all back. I thought the magazines "content" was a joke. Half of it was advertising and the rest barely consisted of anything I wanted to read. My 2 pennies. I hope every one who wants a refund gets one. Good luck!

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