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The Bicycle claims another victim!

My wife fell off her bicycle last month & she wrecked her rotator cuff. Today I took her in for shoulder surgery. She wasn’t nearly this :) when she came out.
The Bicycle claims another victim!

My wife fell off her bicycle last month & she wrecked her rotator cuff. Today I took her in for shoulder surgery. She wasn’t nearly this :) when she came out.View attachment 252100
Oh man. Did my labrum last year and I’m still recovering

Best wishes
Looking out into the lobby of our newly remodeled hospital. These guys are making some money! The place looks like a ballroom.

The lobby acoustics are way too loud for a hospital. The architect should get a slap on both ears.
Oh man. Did my labrum last year and I’m still recovering

Best wishes
So far the roughest part was when she barfed and peed in my truck. I was out there cleaning the upholstery while she was snoozed out.

She’s finally recovered from the Anesthesia but the real pain has not hit her yet.

I came off a skateboard about 12 years ago and I fractured my humerus right at the shoulder. I really lucked out that there was no displacement, because I didn’t realize it was broken.

It hurt like hell, and as I was driving home from the hill I started going into shock behind the wheel. I start to see little stars swirling around in front of the face.

That’s probably because I was actually resetting the displacement of my arm, while driving truck, by jamming it up behind the headrest of the passenger seat and putting some pressure backwards on the joint.

Somehow I recovered from that shock during a red light and drove myself home.

Everybody that looked at me at the hospital said fractured clavicle Yep fractured clavicle Yep fractured clavicle….

Nope. It was the not-funny bone.
Bizarre (re-photographed) surgery photographs, that mean absolutely nothing to me. Except that if I had to cut people up for a living and sew them back together, I probably would not be able to eat meat.

I can relate to both of your miseries. After 2 years of pain that refused to go away on its own, I finally got it x-rayed last Thurs. Dr asks can you do this? OUCH! Can you do this? OUCH!!! Then everyone replies torn rotator cuff. Now I am trying to schedule an MRI. Its difficult to ride with only one hand.......:(
Hope ya'lls recovery goes
Well after my skateboarding days I too have minor problems with both shoulders but I’ve never had an injury nearly so expensive or extensive.

I smacked the right one up in 2009 in the left one I smacked up about 2015. I’m really lucky it wasn’t worse. I’ve got about 95% strength and range on both sides.

My worst problem is my knees, and the left one is acting up right now. I have to be careful about lateral displacement. Aside from plain old age this is why I switched from skateboarding to bicycles.
Sounds complex
Normally the ball is the top of the bone, the socket it naturally in the shoulder. For the reverse they cut off the top of the arm bone and drive a socket in there that looks like an oversized golf tee made from titanium. Then, they screw a ball into the shoulder. Various muscles hold tension pulling the joint together. I'm not supposed to ever lift over 25lbs. above my head.
Normally the ball is the top of the bone, the socket it naturally in the shoulder. For the reverse they cut off the top of the arm bone and drive a socket in there that looks like an oversized golf tee made from titanium. Then, they screw a ball into the shoulder. Various muscles hold tension pulling the joint together. I'm not supposed to ever lift over 25lbs. above my head.