OneHorsePower said:what is your favorite sprocket?
I don't know :lol:
maybe , on my drawing , the black parts are just painted , so allot more material would hold the thing , the paint is just to make the ( ? ) be more defined . could be etched and the rest polished and do the samebarnbikes said:Would probably need to put something in the side gaps for strength. 2 smaller ?'s maybe.
Maybe do 3 question marks coming out from the same circle in the center. If you come up with a good question mark sprocket that I can afford, I will build a riddler themed bike around it just becausebarnbikes said:
true gear head :lol:ZygoteLittle said:
:lol:OneHorsePower said:true gear head :lol:ZygoteLittle said:
Can you make sprockets in different thicknesses? Also because the material is so thin where the body of the question mark attaches to the dot, would such a sprocket be able to take hard pedaling? It might be better to connect the area between each question mark the way you did in the area where the hole for the drive pin is.