In regards to the "fairness" of the current voting system, I know it's not perfect, but it is something many of us here have given a great deal of thought to.
In the end, as noted, it's about the congratulations of your friends here, and the admiration of a few thousand enthusiasts worldwide. There is no big prize, or even anything worth any particular dollar amount. Which keeps us all honest...
We are all building bikes to a standard that doesn't exist except in our heads- we each have an idea what a "Rat Rod Bike" is, and those of us who build or modify one then render it in steel and aluminum (well, ok, just steel!

) and are limited by four things: What we have available; what can actually be made to work; what innovations we can come up with; and money.
Even within those limitations, we find nearly endless variety. Folks here are building everything from kids' bikes to full custom dream machines. Clearly some have incredible talents and skills in one aspect or many of the hobby. Some seem to be able to render straight from the dreamworld into steel and paint. Many of us conquer a technical challenge, turn out the lights for the night and say "good enough." Others are never satisfied, even when it is declared a finished project.
Some of what we see here is really amazing- the artwork, the technical knowhow, the welding, fabricating, and customization skills, the paintwork and pinstriping, the vision some builders have. I feel lucky to get to be a part of this group, and to count you guys as friends.
I will close with a suggestion- the top 10 voted bikes in the Build Off get into the 2012 Calendar! That leaves a couple slots open for the full customs and restored bikes. Maybe it should be 6 or 8 get in... I like 10 because it's a round number.
My opinions... best of luck everyone involved in RRBBO6.