druggedonions said:herr_rudolf said:Ah okay.![]()
I wasn't really aiming at you but at what you were suggesting I guess. Every year there are quite some people saying they can't make up their mind. To them I just want to say: '...If picking out a winner is too difficult, then... don't vote...'
But you do get the point I was trying to make? More votes each isn't going to help the already feeble voting system we have been using. For giving my appreciation to all the bikes I like and love I just leave a comment with my appreciation in it's buildthreads.
I should stop taking things personally. I got what you were aiming at, and understand why. I thought that with a couple more votes each, you could get a vote on your own bike out of the way and still have some left to vote for others.
I try to leave comments on those builds I really like, but even then there are lots and I forget which I have already commented on. Voting on 5 when all's said and done would suit my brain better. But, that is my personal opinion.
karfer67 said:the only change i would make to the voting would be to go back to one vote each. thats it and all u get pick your fave and thats it. or to break up the neck and neck deal figure out how to set it up so when each person picks their three bikes they can do 1st 2nd and 3rd and first gets three points second two and third one. i dont want to stir the pot on this just typing out loud
That sounds almost as complicated as the recently proposed change to the English voting system. I know I shouldn't talk about politics, but if you've got the time. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-12910547
herr_rudolf said:Does anybody else notice that the winner of the build off doesn't have to be the ultimate favorite bike? The winner could be everybody's 3 choice by getting the most votes eventhough they were just everybody's 3rd vote...
(It seems that only a few people get that..)
I didn't, and put that way you've got a bloody good argument right there.
herr_rudolf said:OR...
This just came to me: The best/honest/purest way of sellecting the ultimate winner of the build of would be having TWO voting-rounds.
- 1st Round: pick your 3 favorite bikes.
(This'll give us three bikes to choose from. And the chance for everybody to give and get their pitty/mercyvotes... :wink: )
- 2nd Round: pick your 1 favorite bike out of the three sellected.
Not wanting to make things complicated, but I think choosing your personal favorite out of the three sellected in the first round will give you the ABSOLUTE favorite for 98%. EVERYBODY HAPPY!
(Oh, and the other 2% should come from making the score invisible for those who haven't voted or till the voting is done.)
But really, I know it's a hassle to change the system, and to keep Steve from headin' out for some headachepills:
...I'm okay with the way things are... :wink:
Sounds like a big head ache.
It's a bit late now but I didn't think the voting system was too bad. (ironically, I do now).
i could not agree with you more that what i proposed is way too complicated. but like others said because each vote is worth one a lot of us tend to pick our fave three but might like one more than the others but as far as the brass tacks votes go they are even. thats why i suggested only getting one vote for each person thats it u pick your fave and its done. look i have voted many bicycle and car shows and my buddies can attest to how serious i take it personally. and a lot of times it ends up in a coin flip because no i cant decide. not trying to stir the pot just speaking my mind thats all bro